Worst gift this year: Ionic Pro air filter from my husband.
Best gift this year: AVS sweatshrit from my mommy!
Over all Christmas was a big disappointment. I never did get in the Christmas mood, and my tree is already put away, the lights are off the house and you can't even tell we had Christmas here.
The boys on the other hand had a great Christmas. Colton got a drum kit that he really likes. He sits down at the little chair, beats the sticks together and counts off 1,2 1,2,3,4 and begins to beat the drums for about 5 minutes then he stands up, throws his arms above his head and yells "Thank you, thank you my fans."
David got the Star Wars light saber game that plugs into their new TV, and that game is freaking work. He is a little sweatball after he plays it. Cam got the paintball game and he is a better shot than his dad. Overall they had a great Christmas which made mine a lot less disappointing. They all got a lightsaber and Steve and I have had more fun with them than the boys have. Those damn things are fun, and I am quickly on my way to becoming a master Jedi with as much as I play with them!
Hope everyone else had a great Christmas and don't forget we have a new story contest going on at Fizzle and Pop forum. Come on over and play!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Stole this from Tricia girl!
Round 22 is on!!!
Are we going to do this again???
Hell, we've had a year to sit and think.
We should be able to come up with something!
I'm ready!
Jenn's ready!
Let's roll!
The words for Round 22 are as follows...
n no particular order...
Put on your thinking caps folks.
This round will self-destruct on January 16th!!!
(On account a' I intend to get smashed on New Year's weekend)
PS. You may need to get a new activation code, but your old password will let you in.
Fizzle and Pop
Just remember the rules people.
There are no rules.
Just use the words in a story then come back to read and vote for your favorite!
Round 22 is on!!!
Are we going to do this again???
Hell, we've had a year to sit and think.
We should be able to come up with something!
I'm ready!
Jenn's ready!
Let's roll!
The words for Round 22 are as follows...
n no particular order...
Put on your thinking caps folks.
This round will self-destruct on January 16th!!!
(On account a' I intend to get smashed on New Year's weekend)
PS. You may need to get a new activation code, but your old password will let you in.
Fizzle and Pop
Just remember the rules people.
There are no rules.
Just use the words in a story then come back to read and vote for your favorite!
Friday, December 23, 2005
We wish you a Merry Christmas
Argentine: Feliz Navidad
Bulgarian: Tchestita Koleda; Tchestito Rojdestvo Hristovo
Chinese: (Cantonese) Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun
Chinese: (Mandarin) Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan
(Catonese) Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sunk
Danish: Glædelig Jul
Dutch: Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! or Zalig Kerstfeast
English: Merry Christmas
French: Joyeux Noel
Greek: Kala Christouyenna!
Hawaiian: Mele Kalikimaka
Irish: Nollaig Shona Dhuit, or Nodlaig mhaith chugnat
Italian: Buone Feste Natalizie
Japanese: Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto
Korean: Sung Tan Chuk Ha
Latin: Natale hilare et Annum Faustum!
Norwegian: God Jul, or Gledelig Jul
Polish: Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia or Boze Narodzenie
Russian: Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom
amoan: La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou
Spanish: Feliz Navidad
Swedish: God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt År
How every you say it I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. My Christmas wish this year is for each of you that read this. May all your christmas wishes come true this year, and may the year to come bring you joy and happiness. I wish for your dreams to come to and your health to be good, and most of all I wish you love and happiness! Merry Christmas everyone. See you in the new year!
Bulgarian: Tchestita Koleda; Tchestito Rojdestvo Hristovo
Chinese: (Cantonese) Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun
Chinese: (Mandarin) Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan
(Catonese) Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sunk
Danish: Glædelig Jul
Dutch: Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! or Zalig Kerstfeast
English: Merry Christmas
French: Joyeux Noel
Greek: Kala Christouyenna!
Hawaiian: Mele Kalikimaka
Irish: Nollaig Shona Dhuit, or Nodlaig mhaith chugnat
Italian: Buone Feste Natalizie
Japanese: Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto
Korean: Sung Tan Chuk Ha
Latin: Natale hilare et Annum Faustum!
Norwegian: God Jul, or Gledelig Jul
Polish: Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia or Boze Narodzenie
Russian: Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom
amoan: La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou
Spanish: Feliz Navidad
Swedish: God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt År
How every you say it I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. My Christmas wish this year is for each of you that read this. May all your christmas wishes come true this year, and may the year to come bring you joy and happiness. I wish for your dreams to come to and your health to be good, and most of all I wish you love and happiness! Merry Christmas everyone. See you in the new year!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Oh the thoughts you can think... I think Dr. Susse said that.
I sure hope that sex is like riding a bike you know that old saying that once you learn you never forget how. Steve has been gone so much lately we just see each other in passing.
I wonder whatever happened to that one guy who had a thing for me... What the hell was his name he played drums in a band I remember that and we got drunk on CLC together once and ended up spending the night talking about things 17 year old kids never talk about. You know the meaning of life and all of that crap that is meaningless in the end. I wonder why I never dated him?
Did I get all the boys the same amount of stuff for Christmas? I better check before Christmas morning...
What the hell is up with my tree it is leaning forward and no matter what I try I can't get it to stand straight.
Rob Thomas is hot...and he writes his own songs that is just sexy as hell.
Memoirs of a Geisha is an excellent read. I am always a day behind the times it seems though, because I just saw it advertised on TV that they made it into a movie.
I will be glad when Christmas is over. I love doing the Christmas morning thing with the boys and playing with their new toys with them, but all the family crap I hate! Steve's family does a Christmas eve thing and a Christmas dinner thing. I hate staying out until midnight and trying to get the boys to sleep after they have opened all their presents it is always 3am before Santa can even come to my house, and 5 by the time I get to sleep and half an hour later the boys are awake. Then by noon we are all tired and cranky. This year I think I am just sending them without me and my Christmas gift will be going back to bed and sleeping the rest of the day.
I am tired and I think I am going to find a place to sleep now.
I wonder whatever happened to that one guy who had a thing for me... What the hell was his name he played drums in a band I remember that and we got drunk on CLC together once and ended up spending the night talking about things 17 year old kids never talk about. You know the meaning of life and all of that crap that is meaningless in the end. I wonder why I never dated him?
Did I get all the boys the same amount of stuff for Christmas? I better check before Christmas morning...
What the hell is up with my tree it is leaning forward and no matter what I try I can't get it to stand straight.
Rob Thomas is hot...and he writes his own songs that is just sexy as hell.
Memoirs of a Geisha is an excellent read. I am always a day behind the times it seems though, because I just saw it advertised on TV that they made it into a movie.
I will be glad when Christmas is over. I love doing the Christmas morning thing with the boys and playing with their new toys with them, but all the family crap I hate! Steve's family does a Christmas eve thing and a Christmas dinner thing. I hate staying out until midnight and trying to get the boys to sleep after they have opened all their presents it is always 3am before Santa can even come to my house, and 5 by the time I get to sleep and half an hour later the boys are awake. Then by noon we are all tired and cranky. This year I think I am just sending them without me and my Christmas gift will be going back to bed and sleeping the rest of the day.
I am tired and I think I am going to find a place to sleep now.
Oh the Joy.
I have done as little as possible for the last 2 days. I cleaned up the basement and put the air hockey table together and beat all the boys in a game. I have chated on the phone and the computer. I have played with the dogs. I have read most of the new book I got in my stocking. Now I am going a little crazy. I think I may have to go shopping or ice skating or something! To be on the go all day and half the night and then just stop is a little to much. I need to find a middle ground somewhere.
We had a good visit with my sister. It was way to short, but it was nice to see her. When we were at the airport Colton said to her "Aunt Jo can't you just find a good home here?" It was sad they didn't want her to go. I am glad that they love her so much and she loves them. I wish she lived closer. We had a big scare with my granny. She has pnemonia and ended up going to the hospital. She got to go home yesterday with a breathing treatment machine and a bottle of oxygen. I am so thankful she is feeling better.
Now I am going to try to get caught up on blog reading. I have missed everyone these last few weeks.
We had a good visit with my sister. It was way to short, but it was nice to see her. When we were at the airport Colton said to her "Aunt Jo can't you just find a good home here?" It was sad they didn't want her to go. I am glad that they love her so much and she loves them. I wish she lived closer. We had a big scare with my granny. She has pnemonia and ended up going to the hospital. She got to go home yesterday with a breathing treatment machine and a bottle of oxygen. I am so thankful she is feeling better.
Now I am going to try to get caught up on blog reading. I have missed everyone these last few weeks.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Busy, Busy, Busy
It has been so hectic around here I have not had time to write anything. The boys had their hockey jamboree last weekend. I was at the rink by 8 every morning and didn't leave until well after 10! All the kids had a great time and got their trophies. Monday I tried to get caught up on laundry and did some christmas shopping. Tuesday both the boys had hockey games, and wednesday my sister got here. Thursday we spent shopping and today I think I finished up most of it. I still have a few more things to get, but mostly I am done. The boys all had their Christmas parties at school today, and thankfully there are 2 whole weeks of not getting up early, well except Christmas morning. Tomorrow we are going to my mom's for an early christmas dinner and to visit a little while. Then Sunday is our last hockey practice until after the new year. I am so looking forward to some sit down and do nothing time.
Next week I may have something entertaining to say, but right now I am to tired to think!
Next week I may have something entertaining to say, but right now I am to tired to think!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
64 Years Ago
64 Years Ago
The sound of silence was deafening as we stood there and gazed over the rail into the oily water below. For several long moments our tourist group stood there and no one spoke. It was almost as if time had stopped for those brief few seconds. When people finally did begin speaking again it was in hushed whispers. I am not one who believes in Ghosts or the supernatural, but standing on the deck on the USS Arizona Memorial you can feel something beyond this world.
If you listen hard enough you can hear the bombs exploding around these young men, who gave their all serving their country. You can hear the people running to their positions aboard their vessels, as their confusion turned to realization. I was very humbled and honored to be able to visit Pearl Harbor on my trip to Hawaii. It is one of those places that every American needs to see at least once in their lifetime. The tour of the memorial starts at the museum; they have pictures and artifacts from the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. We spent quite some time looking through the pictures and reading the stories, some of survivors and others that perished that tragic December day.
They called our group number and we made our way to a theater and took our seats. They show a really great film, and it makes it much better because you are right there you have looked out into the harbor and you have seen Diamond Head, and if you were crazy like us actually climbed to the top with a broken ankle. You have all these land marks to make references to while you are getting the history. After the film, they loaded us on the boat and carted us across the water. There are huge Navy ships in port and you can see their crews doing their thing, much like it must have been December 7, 1941. The trip out to the actual Memorial site only takes a few minutes. I think the thing that I remember feeling the most as our craft pulled along side the USS Arizona was sadness. There is an overwhelming sadness that surrounds the memorial, and even thought it happened long before my time I was still very upset by the whole thing.
I hope one day that I can take my boys on the journey Hawaii has a great amount of American history that is worth seeing. If you get the chance don't pass it up, it will be a trip you won't soon forget. I have added some links below feel free to click them!
USS Arizona Memorial
National Geographic Articles
Great links for more history
The sound of silence was deafening as we stood there and gazed over the rail into the oily water below. For several long moments our tourist group stood there and no one spoke. It was almost as if time had stopped for those brief few seconds. When people finally did begin speaking again it was in hushed whispers. I am not one who believes in Ghosts or the supernatural, but standing on the deck on the USS Arizona Memorial you can feel something beyond this world.
If you listen hard enough you can hear the bombs exploding around these young men, who gave their all serving their country. You can hear the people running to their positions aboard their vessels, as their confusion turned to realization. I was very humbled and honored to be able to visit Pearl Harbor on my trip to Hawaii. It is one of those places that every American needs to see at least once in their lifetime. The tour of the memorial starts at the museum; they have pictures and artifacts from the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. We spent quite some time looking through the pictures and reading the stories, some of survivors and others that perished that tragic December day.
They called our group number and we made our way to a theater and took our seats. They show a really great film, and it makes it much better because you are right there you have looked out into the harbor and you have seen Diamond Head, and if you were crazy like us actually climbed to the top with a broken ankle. You have all these land marks to make references to while you are getting the history. After the film, they loaded us on the boat and carted us across the water. There are huge Navy ships in port and you can see their crews doing their thing, much like it must have been December 7, 1941. The trip out to the actual Memorial site only takes a few minutes. I think the thing that I remember feeling the most as our craft pulled along side the USS Arizona was sadness. There is an overwhelming sadness that surrounds the memorial, and even thought it happened long before my time I was still very upset by the whole thing.
I hope one day that I can take my boys on the journey Hawaii has a great amount of American history that is worth seeing. If you get the chance don't pass it up, it will be a trip you won't soon forget. I have added some links below feel free to click them!
USS Arizona Memorial
National Geographic Articles
Great links for more history
Monday, December 05, 2005
The halls are decked
Woooohooo who rules. Who is better than dad. Yep that is right me! I got all the outside decorations up today. Cam was home sick so I didn't have to go to school with him and I put up the lights and snowman outside. Last year it took Steve about 3 hours to get them all up. Me it took an hour and a half, because yes I am just that good! Me and the boys put the tree up last Saturday and the stocking are all hung by the chimney with care, well not really by the chimney, but with care. Now as soon as I start my Christmas shopping all things will be good. Lets hope I soon find time to brave the hordes of mass consumers who have totally made Christmas a commercial holiday.
The things we have going on:
David played a hockey game last night scored a hat trick, his first this year!
We have hockey practice tomorrow from 5:30 until 8:00.
Cam and David play in the jamboree this coming weekend and I am running one of the fund raiser booths selling tee-shirts and what not.
My sister gets here next wednesday.
and inbetween I am trying to get the house cleaned up for christmas and get rid of toys the boys don't play with anymore.
I won't know what to do with myself over the week of Christmas because there will be no school, no hockey, and absoultly nothing going on!
The things we have going on:
David played a hockey game last night scored a hat trick, his first this year!
We have hockey practice tomorrow from 5:30 until 8:00.
Cam and David play in the jamboree this coming weekend and I am running one of the fund raiser booths selling tee-shirts and what not.
My sister gets here next wednesday.
and inbetween I am trying to get the house cleaned up for christmas and get rid of toys the boys don't play with anymore.
I won't know what to do with myself over the week of Christmas because there will be no school, no hockey, and absoultly nothing going on!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
I am getting the best Christmas present every and I am getting it early! My baby sister is coming home the 14th! I am so excited. We see each other about once a year and that sucks. We talk on the phone at least 4 times a week, and we email each other everyday, but it isn't the same as actually having her home! The boys are more excited about Aunt Jo coming than they are for Christmas to get her. The down side is she has to go back way to soon. She will have to leave the 19th. We will have an early Christmas dinner at mom and dad's and she will get to see Cam play a hockey game and we will do some shopping together and have a great time! The last time she was home I hardly got anytime with her, because the boys hovered over her all the time. They love her and she loves them and that makes me so happy!
I still have not put up my tree so I am getting ready to do that today, and tonight the boys can decorate it and hang their stockings!
I still have not put up my tree so I am getting ready to do that today, and tonight the boys can decorate it and hang their stockings!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Quick tag
Jamie made me do it!
Weapon of choice?
My words. You piss me off and they drip with vemon. I will say the very thing I know is going to hurt the most. I have figured out you can't beat a anyone under ten if they refer to you as mom though because they will defeat you at your own game.
Relative Psychosis:
I don't think I have any blood relatives that are psychotic. Yes some are a little off you could even say crazy, but we are not a threat to ourselves or others. Beetles suck.
How Hard It Can Be:
Hard enough to poke an eye out!
So, What's Next?
The occurence after this one.
I'll name that tune in...
2 notes cause I don't play to lose.
Weapon of choice?
My words. You piss me off and they drip with vemon. I will say the very thing I know is going to hurt the most. I have figured out you can't beat a anyone under ten if they refer to you as mom though because they will defeat you at your own game.
Relative Psychosis:
I don't think I have any blood relatives that are psychotic. Yes some are a little off you could even say crazy, but we are not a threat to ourselves or others. Beetles suck.
How Hard It Can Be:
Hard enough to poke an eye out!
So, What's Next?
The occurence after this one.
I'll name that tune in...
2 notes cause I don't play to lose.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
The list
I am actually enjoying a few minutes of me time this morning. We have been so busy around here there is no time for blogging, no time for reading and barely anytime to watch the AVS play a game! Sunday we had Cam's practice, then we went to the store, got home fed the boys some lunch, went back to the ice rink for David's game, came home fed the boys, and went to bed. Then yesterday I went to school with the boys and worked with the Kindergarten class, picked up Colton, came home and did some laundry that I was behind in from running all weekend, the boys got home, we had David's school program, which he was very unhappy about. He hates doing those school programs I even got an "I hate you for making me go", and he only uses that when he is really pissed off. After the program we came home whipped up some sloppy joes and I finally ate at 8 o'clock. Dinner seems to be an 8 o'clock thing around here more often than not. Tonight we have practice for Cam, David has a game, I have a meeting about the jamboree coming up the 9th of December, and then I have to come home make dinner and feed the boys. Thankfully there is no school tomorrow. Wednesday will be spent cleaning the kitchen so I can cook Thursday, unless of course Steve won't be home on Thursday then we will postpone Thanksgiving dinner until Sat. This seems to be a typical week for us lately. Now I am done with me time and off to get Colton from school!
Hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving!
Hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 18, 2005
Til death do us part
Standing in the Walmart line yesterday I struk up a conversation with the lady behind me. I ofen do that, talk to strangers, but that is a different post. This was a pleasent woman, who because I talked to her felt compelled to share her live story with me. She must of been about 29 maybe 30. She has 2 kids one was 6 and the other almost 9. Then she starts telling me that she is on this diet and she has lost 12 or 15 pounds already. I am standing there nodding and saying things like good for you. She could have stood to lose 30 or 40 pounds, but she wasn't obese by any means. We talked about diets for awhile and work outs... Then she says with a venomus hiss that she hates her kids for making her fat! I just stared that blank stare at her. I being a big girl have no one to blame for the added weight except myself. Sure after the kids were born and I started staying home I gained a lot of weight, but in no way did my kids force me to eat 3 cookies to their every one. The boys never held me down and shoved food into me. I did that all by myself and would never hold my children responsible for that. I think I was most shocked at her seriousness. I think she really did blame her children and she really did hate them for it. I wanted to say so many things to that hateful woman, but I couldn't. I wanted to tell her that eating is what made her fat, and laziness, and I wanted to tell her that I would raise her children for her if she hated them so much. Then she started telling me about her marriage and how misserable she was and that if she didn't lose weight her husband was going to leave her. At that point I just felt sorry for her. What kind of man abuses his wife, the woman he is suppose to love and cherish above all others, that way. I am sure that the husband is the one responsible for making a mother resent her children. I can only imagain the horrible things he has told her. Things like "Before you had kids your ass wasn't that big." and "Before you had the kids you took care of yourself." Steve would never in a million years tell me he was going to leave me because I am fat. He loves me no matter what. Oh sure some days he would like to choke me, but that is being married and living with someone for the rest of your life, and has nothing to do with added weight. I was angery by the time I left walmart. I was angry at the husband for destroying this womans relationship with her children, and for being so cruel to his wife, but mostly I was angery at the woman for letting it happen.
and this was just to good not to share. It came in an email from my sister.
A Somalian arrives in Minneapolis as a new immigrant to the United States. He
stops the first person he sees walking down the street and says,
"Thank you Mr. American, for letting me in this country, and giving me housing, food stamps, free medical care and free education!" But the passer-by says
"You are mistaken, I am Mexican.
The man goes on and encounters another passer-by. "Thank you for
having such a beautiful country here in America!" The person says "I no
American, I Vietnamese."
The new arrival walks further, and the next person he sees he stops,
shakes his hand and says "Thank you for wonderful America!"
That person puts up his hand and says "I am from Middle East, I am
not an American!"
He finally sees a nice lady and asks suspiciously, "Are you an
She says, "No, I am from Russia!" So he is puzzled, and asks her,
"Where are all the Americans?" The Russian lady looks at her watch, shrugs,
and says:
"Probably at work!"
and this was just to good not to share. It came in an email from my sister.
A Somalian arrives in Minneapolis as a new immigrant to the United States. He
stops the first person he sees walking down the street and says,
"Thank you Mr. American, for letting me in this country, and giving me housing, food stamps, free medical care and free education!" But the passer-by says
"You are mistaken, I am Mexican.
The man goes on and encounters another passer-by. "Thank you for
having such a beautiful country here in America!" The person says "I no
American, I Vietnamese."
The new arrival walks further, and the next person he sees he stops,
shakes his hand and says "Thank you for wonderful America!"
That person puts up his hand and says "I am from Middle East, I am
not an American!"
He finally sees a nice lady and asks suspiciously, "Are you an
She says, "No, I am from Russia!" So he is puzzled, and asks her,
"Where are all the Americans?" The Russian lady looks at her watch, shrugs,
and says:
"Probably at work!"
Monday, November 14, 2005
You're a mean one Mr. Grinch!
Dr Seuss
Every Who
Down in Who-ville
Liked Christmas a lot...
But the Grinch,
Who lived just North of Who-ville,
Did NOT!
The Grinch hated Christmas!
The whole Christmas season!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be that his head wasn't screwed on quite right.
It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were to tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
Whatever the reason,
His heart or his shoes,
He stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the Whos,
Staring down from his cave with a sour, Grinchy frown
At the warm lighted windows below in their town.
For he knew every Who down in Who-ville beneath
Was busy now, hanging a mistleoe wreath.
I don't know what is wrong with me, but I have been Grinched! Friday I asked Steve if we really had to have Thanksgiving dinner. He never got a chance to answer, because Cameron quickly said that yes indeed we did have to have Thanksgiving dinner. He informed me it was a celebration and we should be joining in on the celebration! Then last night just Steve and I were sitting in the living room. I looked at him and said "I don't think I am even going to bother putting up the tree this year." He just stared blankly at me like I was speaking a different language, but I am pretty sure I said it in English! Maybe it is the fact that Christmas should have been over a month ago, at least that is the way it feels in every store. Since before Halloween the stores have been pushing their Christmas wares upon us. Every other commercial on TV has been about the holidays, and Steve took the credit card away from me. I have to be placed on a limited budget for this Christmas. So really what is the point? If I can't spend like a mad women it is really pointless to have Christmas. Cameron said "God will be very upset with us if we don't have Christmas",and yes my kids all believe in God and Santa Clause too! I on the other hand feel like Albert in the animated classic "twas the night before Christmas". Maybe as the seasons quickly approach my mood will change, and even if it doesn't I will put on a holly jolly face and tis the season for the sake of the boys!
Dr Seuss
Every Who
Down in Who-ville
Liked Christmas a lot...
But the Grinch,
Who lived just North of Who-ville,
Did NOT!
The Grinch hated Christmas!
The whole Christmas season!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be that his head wasn't screwed on quite right.
It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were to tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
Whatever the reason,
His heart or his shoes,
He stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the Whos,
Staring down from his cave with a sour, Grinchy frown
At the warm lighted windows below in their town.
For he knew every Who down in Who-ville beneath
Was busy now, hanging a mistleoe wreath.
I don't know what is wrong with me, but I have been Grinched! Friday I asked Steve if we really had to have Thanksgiving dinner. He never got a chance to answer, because Cameron quickly said that yes indeed we did have to have Thanksgiving dinner. He informed me it was a celebration and we should be joining in on the celebration! Then last night just Steve and I were sitting in the living room. I looked at him and said "I don't think I am even going to bother putting up the tree this year." He just stared blankly at me like I was speaking a different language, but I am pretty sure I said it in English! Maybe it is the fact that Christmas should have been over a month ago, at least that is the way it feels in every store. Since before Halloween the stores have been pushing their Christmas wares upon us. Every other commercial on TV has been about the holidays, and Steve took the credit card away from me. I have to be placed on a limited budget for this Christmas. So really what is the point? If I can't spend like a mad women it is really pointless to have Christmas. Cameron said "God will be very upset with us if we don't have Christmas",and yes my kids all believe in God and Santa Clause too! I on the other hand feel like Albert in the animated classic "twas the night before Christmas". Maybe as the seasons quickly approach my mood will change, and even if it doesn't I will put on a holly jolly face and tis the season for the sake of the boys!
Friday, November 11, 2005
The Beetles
I can cohabitate with spiders, if they get in the house I usually pick them up and put them outside. I don't really mind snakes they are actually pretty neat. Rats, mice, and other rodents are furry and cute. Beetle cause me go quickly go into a panic attack.
Yesterday Cam found an ugly, horrid beetle thing. He came in to get the D man and of course David goes out to check it out. A few minutes later he comes running as fast as his legs will carry him and all I see is legs coming out of his hand. I know right away it's a beetle. I can see those ugly legs with their little grabby feet. I jumpped up and screamed, causing D to fling the stupid thing through the air right in my direction. It hit my foot as I was running in the other direction, and in the confussion it hid somewhere in my house! My fear of beetles runs deep, it is not really a fear so much as it is a phobia. When we coudln't find the stupid thing I was reduced to tears. My heart was beating out of my chest, the sweat was dripping off me, and I was in the middle of a full blow panic attack. I still can't put my feet under my desk. I didn't sleep well last night, and I really had to fight hard to stay in this house last night.
I think the hardest part of my irrational fear is the fact that I know how crazy it is. I know that normal people don't experience those kinds of emotions over a stupid little beetle. I mean a beetle can't hurt you, they don't carry nasty germs that cause horrible sickness and death, they can't sink their fangs into you and kill you with their venom, and they don't even bite. I don't want to be crazy and I don't want my boys to see that kind of fear from their mom.
Yesterday Cam found an ugly, horrid beetle thing. He came in to get the D man and of course David goes out to check it out. A few minutes later he comes running as fast as his legs will carry him and all I see is legs coming out of his hand. I know right away it's a beetle. I can see those ugly legs with their little grabby feet. I jumpped up and screamed, causing D to fling the stupid thing through the air right in my direction. It hit my foot as I was running in the other direction, and in the confussion it hid somewhere in my house! My fear of beetles runs deep, it is not really a fear so much as it is a phobia. When we coudln't find the stupid thing I was reduced to tears. My heart was beating out of my chest, the sweat was dripping off me, and I was in the middle of a full blow panic attack. I still can't put my feet under my desk. I didn't sleep well last night, and I really had to fight hard to stay in this house last night.
I think the hardest part of my irrational fear is the fact that I know how crazy it is. I know that normal people don't experience those kinds of emotions over a stupid little beetle. I mean a beetle can't hurt you, they don't carry nasty germs that cause horrible sickness and death, they can't sink their fangs into you and kill you with their venom, and they don't even bite. I don't want to be crazy and I don't want my boys to see that kind of fear from their mom.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
What's it all for?
David had an awesome hockey game last night. It was his first mite game, and his first full ice game. They play half ice in the mini mite level here, mostly because we have 4 teams and one sheet of ice. So this was the D mans first full ice game, and they lost, but that isn't what is important. I never really care if the boys win or lose, what I care about is if they play the best game they can, and he did. He scored 2 goals and 2 assists in last nights game. He was working his backwards skating and his passing and he was paying attention to the lines and he didn't go off sides once. He was controling the puck and just over all he skated very well! I was very proud of him and his team as a team they all played very well together.
Colton got his glasses yesterday. He looks cute in them. When I find some batteries for the camera I will get a picture of him. I picked him up from school today and he says to me "Mom I could see everyone today and really know who they are!" It made me feel awful for being such a bad mom and not knowing he was blind!
Cameron is loving hockey. He had big plans of playing soccer this summer and last night he asked me if he could go to hockey camp instead of soccer this summer. If I had 2 more boys I would have a full line and a huge mortage on the house to pay for it all!
The weather has been beautiful today. We were suppose to get snow last night, but it was in the 60's today. It makes it hard to send the boys to school when it is nice. I would much rather keep them home and go do something fun!
Colton got his glasses yesterday. He looks cute in them. When I find some batteries for the camera I will get a picture of him. I picked him up from school today and he says to me "Mom I could see everyone today and really know who they are!" It made me feel awful for being such a bad mom and not knowing he was blind!
Cameron is loving hockey. He had big plans of playing soccer this summer and last night he asked me if he could go to hockey camp instead of soccer this summer. If I had 2 more boys I would have a full line and a huge mortage on the house to pay for it all!
The weather has been beautiful today. We were suppose to get snow last night, but it was in the 60's today. It makes it hard to send the boys to school when it is nice. I would much rather keep them home and go do something fun!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
My last vice
Hi my names Jenn and I am an addict. I had my last cigarette 4 hours and 11 minutes ago. I really want to quit, ok that's a lie. I enjoy each cigarette I smoke. I want one the minute I wake up, after every meal, and pretty much ever 15 minutes thoughtout the day. The truth of the matter is that I need to quit. I have to quit. Between Steve and I, we are spending over 500 dollars a month on the damn things. When you add it up and look at the numbers we just can't afford to smoke anymore, we never really could. I could get a new car for less a month than we spend on smoking. I could get a new computer or that digital camcorder I want. In one year if we both quit we would have saved 6,000 dollars. That is a lot of money spent on trying to slowly kill yourself. The very sad fact is that as I am writing this I don't care about the cost. I don't care that they will eventually kill me. I don't care... I want a cigarette badly. I don't need one. I don't have to have one. I want one.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Is it November already?
I don't know where the time has gone, but it seems to be flying at warp speed. I don't think I have had 15 minutes of unbusy time since my last post. I have fallen into bed every night this week and was sleeping before my head hit the pillow.
Halloween was a lot of fun, in spite of the fact that 2 of the boys were not entirely thrilled with what they got dress up as for the occasion. I took the boys to paperwarehouse, because they were having a sale and told them they all had to pick something there because I was not running all around to pick just the right costume and I was not paying a fortune for them. Cameron had big plans of being a skeleton before we even got to the store so we lucked out with him they had just the perfect skeleton outfit. David wanted to be this zombie ghoul thing, but we couldn't find anything remotely resembling what he had his heart set on, then he was going to be Darth Vader, but they only had Colton's size for that. So I got to digging around and it was between a ninja or a power ranger. Oh my lord don't tell your 2nd grader they can be a power ranger... just don't so he took the ninja. Colton didn't care what he was going to be as long as it was scary, he likes the whole scariness of Halloween. Well I told him Darth Vader was scary and he was all for it, he ran around going "Luke I am your father." and "Aww a sister, Obi Wan was wise to hide her from me." and then I looked at the price 42 bucks... Needless to say I had to crush his hopes of being a dark lord this year. I found Hulk and a Spongebob get up, and Colton loves Spongebob so I figured he would go for that. He looked at me and says "Pongebob is not scary mom!" I quickly convinced him that The Hulk was scary, and he could take spiderman out! So the big day finally gets here...
I went to all three of the class parties, which were fun, but by the time we got home I was ready for my blanket and a story, but the boys had other ideas of how our night would be spent. So they began putting on their costumes and digging out the trick or treat bags. By 4:30 they were ready and by 5 we were out the door. We met up with the little girl across the street and her mom and off we went. After an hour and a half of trick or treating the mom's were cold and tired and the kids bags were overflowing. Success!
Tuesday we had hockey and I get to be the team mom for Cam's team, so the whole hour I was handing out team rousters and jerseys, then I rushed David into the bathroom, because I didn't have time to get a locker room key and he changed into his gear as I handed out the last of the jerseys for Cam's team, he is on the yellow team, and then I got D's skates laced up and found out that I get to be the team mom for his team as well, so it was another hour of running around handing out jersey's and team lists to parents! I may be insane by the end of this year, but with as fast as time seems to be moving it will be over before I even know it. Cam has his first game tomorrow and David's is on tuesday. It is going to be great!
Thursday we had parent teacher meetings. I am in their classes enough that it was really just a waste of time on both our parts. I didn't find out anything I don't already know, but the teacher have to have them for everyone, and I did get to pick up school pictures, which I will probably get mailed out when Colton is 12 or 13! Actually this year I am waiting for the hockey pictures so I can mail them all together. (That will be you Christmas present Paula and I promise to mail them and last years too!)
I am off to bed I tried to get caught up on house work and laundry today, noticed I said tried as with most things in my life I failed! Oh well we all have clean clothes to wear next week so that is something!
Halloween was a lot of fun, in spite of the fact that 2 of the boys were not entirely thrilled with what they got dress up as for the occasion. I took the boys to paperwarehouse, because they were having a sale and told them they all had to pick something there because I was not running all around to pick just the right costume and I was not paying a fortune for them. Cameron had big plans of being a skeleton before we even got to the store so we lucked out with him they had just the perfect skeleton outfit. David wanted to be this zombie ghoul thing, but we couldn't find anything remotely resembling what he had his heart set on, then he was going to be Darth Vader, but they only had Colton's size for that. So I got to digging around and it was between a ninja or a power ranger. Oh my lord don't tell your 2nd grader they can be a power ranger... just don't so he took the ninja. Colton didn't care what he was going to be as long as it was scary, he likes the whole scariness of Halloween. Well I told him Darth Vader was scary and he was all for it, he ran around going "Luke I am your father." and "Aww a sister, Obi Wan was wise to hide her from me." and then I looked at the price 42 bucks... Needless to say I had to crush his hopes of being a dark lord this year. I found Hulk and a Spongebob get up, and Colton loves Spongebob so I figured he would go for that. He looked at me and says "Pongebob is not scary mom!" I quickly convinced him that The Hulk was scary, and he could take spiderman out! So the big day finally gets here...
I went to all three of the class parties, which were fun, but by the time we got home I was ready for my blanket and a story, but the boys had other ideas of how our night would be spent. So they began putting on their costumes and digging out the trick or treat bags. By 4:30 they were ready and by 5 we were out the door. We met up with the little girl across the street and her mom and off we went. After an hour and a half of trick or treating the mom's were cold and tired and the kids bags were overflowing. Success!
Tuesday we had hockey and I get to be the team mom for Cam's team, so the whole hour I was handing out team rousters and jerseys, then I rushed David into the bathroom, because I didn't have time to get a locker room key and he changed into his gear as I handed out the last of the jerseys for Cam's team, he is on the yellow team, and then I got D's skates laced up and found out that I get to be the team mom for his team as well, so it was another hour of running around handing out jersey's and team lists to parents! I may be insane by the end of this year, but with as fast as time seems to be moving it will be over before I even know it. Cam has his first game tomorrow and David's is on tuesday. It is going to be great!
Thursday we had parent teacher meetings. I am in their classes enough that it was really just a waste of time on both our parts. I didn't find out anything I don't already know, but the teacher have to have them for everyone, and I did get to pick up school pictures, which I will probably get mailed out when Colton is 12 or 13! Actually this year I am waiting for the hockey pictures so I can mail them all together. (That will be you Christmas present Paula and I promise to mail them and last years too!)
I am off to bed I tried to get caught up on house work and laundry today, noticed I said tried as with most things in my life I failed! Oh well we all have clean clothes to wear next week so that is something!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I'm still alive!
Well since we last spoke...
The weekend before last started off with the lovely stomach flu. David woke up in the middle of the night throwing up, it lasted about 24 hours with him. Steve started throwing up sunday afternoon and I woke up sunday night or monday morning witht he crap and 2 days later I was finally able to move. The throwing up wasn't so bad, but I felt like someone beat every inch of my body. I felt brused and battered it wasn't a nice flu bug... Then Colton whacked his eye with one of those sticky hands so I had to take him to the eye dr, because it looked bad! The doctor looked at it with the glow in the dark dye and everything was all good. He had some minor abrassions, but nothing in the cornea. I thought everything was good until wednesday, we had managed to get to hockey and school with no one sick! Then wednesday I get the call that Colton is sick and I need to come get him ten minutes after school started. So he missed wednesday and thursday of school. On top of all of that I have had this awful sinus headache, and stuffy head earache stuff that I have been fighting for about a month. I went to the dr. today and he shot me up with some kind of allergy stuff, gave me a perscription, and some eye drops, because I looked like I had pink eye in both eyes. I am already feeling better from that and hopefully the shot keeps the allgeries at bay. I am so happy the eye drops stopped the itching as soon as I used them life got better.
We did manage to get the back deck finished, made it to every hockey practice, and even made it to school early for David's student council meetings! I was totally impressed with my accomplishments, but then most days just getting the boys to school before the bell rings is a major accomplishment for us!
The weekend before last started off with the lovely stomach flu. David woke up in the middle of the night throwing up, it lasted about 24 hours with him. Steve started throwing up sunday afternoon and I woke up sunday night or monday morning witht he crap and 2 days later I was finally able to move. The throwing up wasn't so bad, but I felt like someone beat every inch of my body. I felt brused and battered it wasn't a nice flu bug... Then Colton whacked his eye with one of those sticky hands so I had to take him to the eye dr, because it looked bad! The doctor looked at it with the glow in the dark dye and everything was all good. He had some minor abrassions, but nothing in the cornea. I thought everything was good until wednesday, we had managed to get to hockey and school with no one sick! Then wednesday I get the call that Colton is sick and I need to come get him ten minutes after school started. So he missed wednesday and thursday of school. On top of all of that I have had this awful sinus headache, and stuffy head earache stuff that I have been fighting for about a month. I went to the dr. today and he shot me up with some kind of allergy stuff, gave me a perscription, and some eye drops, because I looked like I had pink eye in both eyes. I am already feeling better from that and hopefully the shot keeps the allgeries at bay. I am so happy the eye drops stopped the itching as soon as I used them life got better.
We did manage to get the back deck finished, made it to every hockey practice, and even made it to school early for David's student council meetings! I was totally impressed with my accomplishments, but then most days just getting the boys to school before the bell rings is a major accomplishment for us!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
The AVS did better.
Friday nights game was played much better, and even though we suffered a lose the boys at least played. The blackhawks goalie was on fire, and Budaj, which is pronunced Boo-die not Bud-age, played an awesome game. It was a goalie game that is for sure and the boys all played with some effort.
Steve is on vacation, and I take back all the "wish he was home more" statements I made last week. Now I have to make it through this week with him here! The boys have hockey tomorrow, and then monday I will be at school all day, tuesday is hockey night, and we have hockey thrusday so I should do alright!
Steve is on vacation, and I take back all the "wish he was home more" statements I made last week. Now I have to make it through this week with him here! The boys have hockey tomorrow, and then monday I will be at school all day, tuesday is hockey night, and we have hockey thrusday so I should do alright!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Things I am pondering
Things I am pondering tonight:
First this,
What the hell happened to the AVS? They played a very sloppy game of hockey. Their passing skills where on the same level as a mite team in the 3rd period, and when someone did manage to get a pass off flawlessly the person they passed to couldn't pick the puck up if it had been the size of a freaking basketball. They had absolutely no control of the puck what so ever, they just knocked it around the ice, no looking where they were passing, not knowing where the puck was half the time. Sloppy Hockey boys very sloppy! I love my AVS, and they can play beautiful hockey, Monday nights games was a perfect example, but tonight was sad. I don't expect them to win all the time, but I do expect the same thing from them as I expect from my own children, to put forth their very best effort. Tonight's game lacked much effort. Friday I expect better, weather you win or lose boys let put forth the effort. Play a smooth game of hockey, make every pass count, work that puck down the ice, be ready for the passes, and for god sakes get someone in front of the damn net you are wasting your scoring opportunities when your whole damn line is behind the net fighting each other for the puck.
And then,
I am going to get my coaching certificate and help coach the little kids, that might be a little scary for them and for me, but I figured what the hell I might as well.
Now this,
The price of oil needs to go down a great deal, not because of the price at the pump, but it is seriously cutting into quality time with my husband. He has been gone so much the last 2 months that when he does show up I check ID at the door just to make sure he really is who is says he is, and it won't stop until the price of oil goes down and they stop all this damn drilling!.
And now,
Speaking of jobs if anyone wants a job in the oil field and you have a CDL I know where you can go to work today drop me an email and I'll hook you up. It is kind of like a job in the Army you know see the world while your earning money except you don't see the world just a whole lot of the rockies mountain states and you earn a lot more money, and by that I am not saying you will be paid well, just better than the government would pay you.
Ok this is the last one,
I need to clean off this desk. I am sure there are things lost in here, important things like the water bill and that book I started reading a few months ago and misplaced. I don't know why I am keeping half the things that find there way to my desk…
First this,
What the hell happened to the AVS? They played a very sloppy game of hockey. Their passing skills where on the same level as a mite team in the 3rd period, and when someone did manage to get a pass off flawlessly the person they passed to couldn't pick the puck up if it had been the size of a freaking basketball. They had absolutely no control of the puck what so ever, they just knocked it around the ice, no looking where they were passing, not knowing where the puck was half the time. Sloppy Hockey boys very sloppy! I love my AVS, and they can play beautiful hockey, Monday nights games was a perfect example, but tonight was sad. I don't expect them to win all the time, but I do expect the same thing from them as I expect from my own children, to put forth their very best effort. Tonight's game lacked much effort. Friday I expect better, weather you win or lose boys let put forth the effort. Play a smooth game of hockey, make every pass count, work that puck down the ice, be ready for the passes, and for god sakes get someone in front of the damn net you are wasting your scoring opportunities when your whole damn line is behind the net fighting each other for the puck.
And then,
I am going to get my coaching certificate and help coach the little kids, that might be a little scary for them and for me, but I figured what the hell I might as well.
Now this,
The price of oil needs to go down a great deal, not because of the price at the pump, but it is seriously cutting into quality time with my husband. He has been gone so much the last 2 months that when he does show up I check ID at the door just to make sure he really is who is says he is, and it won't stop until the price of oil goes down and they stop all this damn drilling!.
And now,
Speaking of jobs if anyone wants a job in the oil field and you have a CDL I know where you can go to work today drop me an email and I'll hook you up. It is kind of like a job in the Army you know see the world while your earning money except you don't see the world just a whole lot of the rockies mountain states and you earn a lot more money, and by that I am not saying you will be paid well, just better than the government would pay you.
Ok this is the last one,
I need to clean off this desk. I am sure there are things lost in here, important things like the water bill and that book I started reading a few months ago and misplaced. I don't know why I am keeping half the things that find there way to my desk…
Hockey was great!
We dug through gear Monday night to make sure both boys had everything and it all fit, and then David says, "mom you didn't get my skates sharpened!" Well that was just peachie, one more thing on my list of things to get done Tuesday! I took the boys to school, came home threw a roast in the crock pot, got showered and dressed, started a load of laundry. I sat down looked at the clock and it was time to go get Colton, so I grabbed up the skates and ran out the door. I managed to get the skates to the ice rink just as the guy who sharpens them was leaving so I did some quick begging and he took pity on me and stayed to put an edge on the skates. I have to get Cam some socks and a helmet still.
Cameron in the black

We got Cameron dressed, and left for the rink a little after five. He was so excited to finally be getting to play hockey. We got to the rink, picked up his skates and got them on his little feet, along with David's helmet. He waddled off to the bench to wait for the zamboni to finish up so he could get out there. I was a little scared that he wasn't going to like skating. The last time we went he skated for about 15 minutes, fell down, and decided he was cold and was ready to take his skates off. I had no reason to worry really. He skated out with no help and the whole night he only fell a few times and he got right back up. I didn't get to watch as much as I would have liked as we had a parent meeting, which is pretty much to welcome the new parents and give them all the information and sign up to be team parents. I signed up for both boys this year. We got out of the meeting and I had to run to the locker room, because we have a new rink manager and he doesn't want the kids dressing in the lobby, which is just crazy because our locker rooms are the size of a large bathroom and trying to get 40 kids and 40 parents in there is not going to happen. So I took David in to help him get dressed, he can get most all his gear on by himself, but still needs a little help getting his garter and socks fixed right and getting his skates laced up tight. I told the D man to get his stuff on and I ran out and got Cam as he was coming off the ice. We rushed into the locker room, I snatched Cam's skates off, got the socks that the boys had to share, because we managed to get to the rink with the one pair, and managed to get David's skates laced up and have him out the locker room door before his ice time started. I was impressed with our ability to get one dressed and the other one undressed in record time! Then I ran back up the stairs to make it to David's parent meeting! Over all things went really well and it can only get easier from here!
Cameron in the black

We got Cameron dressed, and left for the rink a little after five. He was so excited to finally be getting to play hockey. We got to the rink, picked up his skates and got them on his little feet, along with David's helmet. He waddled off to the bench to wait for the zamboni to finish up so he could get out there. I was a little scared that he wasn't going to like skating. The last time we went he skated for about 15 minutes, fell down, and decided he was cold and was ready to take his skates off. I had no reason to worry really. He skated out with no help and the whole night he only fell a few times and he got right back up. I didn't get to watch as much as I would have liked as we had a parent meeting, which is pretty much to welcome the new parents and give them all the information and sign up to be team parents. I signed up for both boys this year. We got out of the meeting and I had to run to the locker room, because we have a new rink manager and he doesn't want the kids dressing in the lobby, which is just crazy because our locker rooms are the size of a large bathroom and trying to get 40 kids and 40 parents in there is not going to happen. So I took David in to help him get dressed, he can get most all his gear on by himself, but still needs a little help getting his garter and socks fixed right and getting his skates laced up tight. I told the D man to get his stuff on and I ran out and got Cam as he was coming off the ice. We rushed into the locker room, I snatched Cam's skates off, got the socks that the boys had to share, because we managed to get to the rink with the one pair, and managed to get David's skates laced up and have him out the locker room door before his ice time started. I was impressed with our ability to get one dressed and the other one undressed in record time! Then I ran back up the stairs to make it to David's parent meeting! Over all things went really well and it can only get easier from here!

Monday, October 10, 2005
Ice is nice!
The dues are paid and tomorrow it's time to take the ice and drop the puck! David and Cam are both playing this year. David can hardly wait to get back on the ice. Cam is excited because his cousin is playing as well. I am not as excited, tuesdays we will be at the rink from 5:30 until after 8 so that makes for a long night. The boys will have to come home get homework done and a snack and then we will have to dress Cam and head out the door so he can be on the ice! David will have to bring whatever homework he has left and him and I can work on it while Cam is on the ice and vice versa! I usually try to get them in bed by 9, but tuesdays we will be lucky to get to bed by 10 after they come home and eat and all of that! I can hardly wait until they get to play some games though. There is nothing more fun than to watch your kids play a sport!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Colton and I were sitting on the couch together when he looks at me and says, "Mom, you are getting kind of old."
"Yes honey I am."
He then takes my arm, pulls it up to his face, takes a big sniff and says, "But you smell great!"
I guess that I am not so old that I am rotting.
"Yes honey I am."
He then takes my arm, pulls it up to his face, takes a big sniff and says, "But you smell great!"
I guess that I am not so old that I am rotting.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

This is what we woke up to this morning! I love the first snow of the fall. It is so pretty, and it isn't all that cold. In fact today the sun is shining and the snow will soon be gone!
I have been busy at the school with the boys. Last Friday they had PDA. I don't remember what the hell that stands for, but the teacher have meetings all day and the kids get to do fun kinds of things. This time we got to see snakes and lizards. I was with the pre school and kindergarten classes and they thought it was pretty awesome. We saw a cobra, rattlesnake, blue rock lizard, and some other stuff. Mondays I am in Cam's class helping with centers, and then David wants me to start going to his class once a week as well. So I will have 3 days a week at the school.
Cam has been sick with stomach pain and the school nurse called yesterday for me to come and get him. I took him to the Dr., because he said it was not like a stomach ache, but more like a burning pain. The Dr. said that the lining of his stomach has been irritated, and put him on zantac. I am suppose to give that to him 2 times a day for 5 days, take him off, and see if the pain comes back. If it does start again then he has an ulcer.
I have put off going to walmart for the past 2 weeks, and we are quickly running out of everything around here. I think Colton and I will go after I pick him up from school.
David starts hockey next week, and Cam has decided that he wants to play as well. We will be spending much of our time at the ice rink this year. David has practice Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, and Cam will practice Tuesdays and Sundays. We should just pack a bag and camp out down there!
Well that is all I can think of today.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Because the lovely Martine tagged me, and I simply love her and she made my template, and El is adorable, and I have nothing better to post, and I can't sleep, and I have 200 things I should be doing beside sitting here at the computer, but I don't want to do them....
10 years ago
Oh 1995. I was working as a motel manager, living with an idiot drug addict. All I did was work and go home and work and go home... Oh I bought my first and only new car that year a 1996 subrau. Kids and marriage were not even on my mind at that time.
5 years ago
I was knocked up for the 2nd time in 17 months. I was still working at the same motel, but I quit a month before Cam arrived. I was misserable and slept all of 2 hours a night between work, a baby, and peeing all night long. It sucked, but have Cameron now is well worth it.
1 Year Ago
Last year I was doing the same thing I am doing this year. Just being a mom, going to school functions, getting ready for hockey to start, and just normal mom stuff I do.
I was shopping with my mom. It was my birthday, and she came to take me out to dinner. I got ecards from my Aunt Joyce and Uncle Dusty, my Aunt Paula, and my mom, flowers from my sister, and a home theater system from mom and dad, and a new keyboard and mouse that I have yet to hook up!
I didn't do a thing. I played with Colton a lot, emailed my sister a picture of the flowers she sent. Talked to mom online for a minute, talked to Steve on the phone, put the boys to bed, and now this.
I have to take Cam to get his 5 year old shots because I am an idiot and I forgot. The nurse even sent me notes and I still forgot! Then I will do some laundry, and maybe take a nap or something, who know?!
5 songs I know the words to (these are without hearing the song)
Hear I am by Air Supply
Delta Dawn by Tanya Tucker
The Star Spangled Banner (our national anthem)
Leather and Lace by Stevie Nicks
Joy to the World by Three Dog Night
but I know the words to most every song in my cd collection once the music starts playing.
5 snacks
ice cream
peanut butter on a spoon
I don't really snack often although my butt says otherwise! I really don't keep anything around the house just for me to eat.
5 things I would do with $100 million
Invest it so my boys would be set for life.
Buy a new car
buy a new house
pay off my sisters house
pay off my mom and dads house
5 places I would run away to
China I have always wanted to see the great wall.
Alaska-I have never been
Hawaii- I loved it there
Neatherlands-to see Martine
Alanta- to see Tricia
5 things I would never wear
spandex pants, althought I did when I was younger, not anymore.
a tutu
hip hugger jeans
a bikini, well I hate swimwear in general.
padded bra's
5 favorite tv shows (currently)
Dead Zone
anything on the history channel
Discovery Channel
Animal planet
Forensic Files
I don't watch a lot of TV. If you were to visit you would swear my favorite show is spongebob or batman.
5 joys
My dogs, sometimes.
Cool nights and sleeping with the window open
5 bad habits
Smoking... your right Martine I need to quit too!
biting my nails
staying up to late
swear words
5 things I like doing
spending time with the boys
drinking my coffee on the back deck when it cool outside, and by cool I mean like 35 to 40 degrees F.
Sitting in the mountains and listening to nothing and everything.
5 movies I like
finding neverland
10 things to do in Denver...
Shaw Shankredemption
Usual Suspects
Spongebob Squarepants The Movie, because I coudln't think of a 5th and we watch it every freaking day. It's their master plan to brainwash me with the spongebob!
5 famous people I would like to meet
Honestly no one really comes to mind if it is just meeting them...
5 toys
Digital Camera
that's it really that I can talk about here...
Now on to Jennifer's meme.
The Rules:
1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same.
Little did we know we were their biggest harm.
I am not tagging anyone for either of these, but if you want to play please feel free to grap away.
10 years ago
Oh 1995. I was working as a motel manager, living with an idiot drug addict. All I did was work and go home and work and go home... Oh I bought my first and only new car that year a 1996 subrau. Kids and marriage were not even on my mind at that time.
5 years ago
I was knocked up for the 2nd time in 17 months. I was still working at the same motel, but I quit a month before Cam arrived. I was misserable and slept all of 2 hours a night between work, a baby, and peeing all night long. It sucked, but have Cameron now is well worth it.
1 Year Ago
Last year I was doing the same thing I am doing this year. Just being a mom, going to school functions, getting ready for hockey to start, and just normal mom stuff I do.
I was shopping with my mom. It was my birthday, and she came to take me out to dinner. I got ecards from my Aunt Joyce and Uncle Dusty, my Aunt Paula, and my mom, flowers from my sister, and a home theater system from mom and dad, and a new keyboard and mouse that I have yet to hook up!
I didn't do a thing. I played with Colton a lot, emailed my sister a picture of the flowers she sent. Talked to mom online for a minute, talked to Steve on the phone, put the boys to bed, and now this.
I have to take Cam to get his 5 year old shots because I am an idiot and I forgot. The nurse even sent me notes and I still forgot! Then I will do some laundry, and maybe take a nap or something, who know?!
5 songs I know the words to (these are without hearing the song)
Hear I am by Air Supply
Delta Dawn by Tanya Tucker
The Star Spangled Banner (our national anthem)
Leather and Lace by Stevie Nicks
Joy to the World by Three Dog Night
but I know the words to most every song in my cd collection once the music starts playing.
5 snacks
ice cream
peanut butter on a spoon
I don't really snack often although my butt says otherwise! I really don't keep anything around the house just for me to eat.
5 things I would do with $100 million
Invest it so my boys would be set for life.
Buy a new car
buy a new house
pay off my sisters house
pay off my mom and dads house
5 places I would run away to
China I have always wanted to see the great wall.
Alaska-I have never been
Hawaii- I loved it there
Neatherlands-to see Martine
Alanta- to see Tricia
5 things I would never wear
spandex pants, althought I did when I was younger, not anymore.
a tutu
hip hugger jeans
a bikini, well I hate swimwear in general.
padded bra's
5 favorite tv shows (currently)
Dead Zone
anything on the history channel
Discovery Channel
Animal planet
Forensic Files
I don't watch a lot of TV. If you were to visit you would swear my favorite show is spongebob or batman.
5 joys
My dogs, sometimes.
Cool nights and sleeping with the window open
5 bad habits
Smoking... your right Martine I need to quit too!
biting my nails
staying up to late
swear words
5 things I like doing
spending time with the boys
drinking my coffee on the back deck when it cool outside, and by cool I mean like 35 to 40 degrees F.
Sitting in the mountains and listening to nothing and everything.
5 movies I like
finding neverland
10 things to do in Denver...
Shaw Shankredemption
Usual Suspects
Spongebob Squarepants The Movie, because I coudln't think of a 5th and we watch it every freaking day. It's their master plan to brainwash me with the spongebob!
5 famous people I would like to meet
Honestly no one really comes to mind if it is just meeting them...
5 toys
Digital Camera
that's it really that I can talk about here...
Now on to Jennifer's meme.
The Rules:
1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same.
Little did we know we were their biggest harm.
I am not tagging anyone for either of these, but if you want to play please feel free to grap away.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
You think the price of oil is going up!
Cement Shortage? While everyone is running around with notions of our oil supplies running out, and wondering how we will drive our cars, heat our homes, and every other thing we do with oil, something I don't give a second thought to honestly, there are real issues surfacing.
Yes you read that first statement correctly. The Untied States is experiencing a cement shortage. How the hell is that even possible? Cement is a mixture of limestone and clay, which is everywhere, and when you mix that with water and sand you get concrete. I am sure there is more to it than that, but it can't be that complicated. So now if there ever is an oil shortage, which I don't see happening in my lifetime, it won't matter, because with concrete we won't have roads, or foundations for homes, or sidewalks, or a million other things we use cement for. There are 11 states, mine included, that are actually experiencing critical shortages. Does anyone else find this amusing?
Yes you read that first statement correctly. The Untied States is experiencing a cement shortage. How the hell is that even possible? Cement is a mixture of limestone and clay, which is everywhere, and when you mix that with water and sand you get concrete. I am sure there is more to it than that, but it can't be that complicated. So now if there ever is an oil shortage, which I don't see happening in my lifetime, it won't matter, because with concrete we won't have roads, or foundations for homes, or sidewalks, or a million other things we use cement for. There are 11 states, mine included, that are actually experiencing critical shortages. Does anyone else find this amusing?
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Showers and Flowers
I turned off the water and grabbed the towel, when all of a sudden someone is pounding on the door and all the dogs start barking. I wrapped the towel around me and stepped out of the tub, and pear down the stairs there is the fed ex guy standing there with a big box. Shit what to do what to do? I cinched the towel around me, and crept down the stairs. Opening the door just enough to peek one eye at this guy, I say "Yes" and he goes "Hi, Jennifer I have a delivery for you." Well duh, but I ain't opening this door any wider. He stands there smiling at me as I am still gripping the towel, and I reach one arm through the door, and he tells me I have to sign on line 3. I grab the clipboard and close the door sign on the line, crack open the door, poke the clipboard back at the guy, and he hands me a box, which forces me to open the door wider. I quickly grab the box and say thanks. He wishes me a nice day and wanders off laughing, as I close the door as quickly as I can. These are what were in the box. My sister loves me!

Sunday, September 25, 2005
Aging gracefully
It is said that with age comes wisdom, well I don't feel any wiser. The thought of another year going by is scarrrry really. It feels like this one just started. Did I blink and miss it? What happened in this last year? Where was I, because it sure doesn't feel like I could be another year older already. Time goes by faster with each passing year, and I can hardly keep up. I remember when I was younger and couldn't wait for my birthday to come around. As a child you can't wait for those gifts to come your way, and then for 16 to be able to drive, and then 21 so you can get in the bar legally... and then one day the birthdays seem to come quicker then you can keep up. I don't know when birthdays lost appeal for me, it was sometime in my 20's when I looked at my life and saw that nothing was how I expected it to be. All those youthful dreams left unfulfilled, all those big plans thrown out the window. I don't really celebrate my birthdays anymore, they come and they go, and it's just another day really. Honestly it is a day I reflect on all the failures in my life, all the goals I never attained, all the things that I said I would do, and still have not. I mean don't get me wrong I would much rather have a birthday, then not have one. I still have boys to raise and things I want to do. I just don't enjoy the reflecting back to things I can't change all that much, and that is what birthdays tend to do for me, that is what Monday brings for me...
Friday, September 23, 2005
Sensible Shoes
I heard that song today, you remember that song, you use to sing it to me, when you went off to california. Still even after all these years I think about you when it's playing. We really just had bad timing didn't we, but that never meant I didn't love you. There will always be a special place in my heart that belongs only to you. I think we both knew on some level that last weekend we spent together was going to be it. I think that is why it was so hard to let go of each other. We had been inseparable from the day we met and it was all ending so fast. I still have all those letter you wrote to me, and the tapes you made for me. Remember that time I came to see you after you moved back. I think about it a lot, and all the phone conversations we had afterwards. I know you don't have a clue what happened to me after that, but I met someone and we got married and have 3 beautiful kids now. He is a really good guy and I think you would like him. I hope you met someone too, and I hope she is all that I could never be. You were that one great love in my life, that soul mate everyone is always looking for, and I just wanted you to know that. I wanted you to know that I am content with my life, and it is a lot better than it was the last time we spoke. I hope that if you ever think about me it is with kindness in your heart, and you know that I did truly love you.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
I have to come clean, and some of you may feel differently about me once all this comes out, but that is a chance I'll have to take. There are those of you that will laugh and think "Oh I knew she needed help long ago." I am a little off I will be the first to admit it, but honestly I am not insane. I have this fetish that borders on the edge insane though. I don't know how it started, but it has been going on for years. I don't feel that it has become enough of a problem to seek help, but it does teeter on OCD. Ok I'll just say it I love to buy paper and pens and pencils. No I mean I love it like some women love to buy shoes, or like some men love sports more than sex. I walk by the stationary department of any store and I get excited. I have this need to own more instruments for writing than anyone. I probably already do. I mean how many people do you know that have a drawer full of nothing but pens and then one for pencils, and one for paper. I have colored paper, flowered paper, flag paper, normal notebook paper (3 reams of it still unopened sitting under my desk), cloud paper, Christmas paper, Halloween paper, rainbow paper, pastel colored paper, copy paper. I have a forest of paper. Today I found spiral notebooks 10 for a quarter. I got wet on the spot at that find. I was elated, much more over joyed than one should be over paper. Now I have 75 notebook under my desk, some college ruled and some wide. It's the same with pens, I have gel pens in every color and regular bic pens, and pens of every shape and size, pencils same thing. If you can write with it I own it or think I need it. Some of my pens are only used for certain things, and my favorite pens are kept in a special place so no one gets them. I go into Office Max, and you know most people go in there and look at the electronics and stuff, not me I head for the stationary. It's the happiest place in the world to me, I can spend 4 hours looking at paper, feeling it and touching it, and give me a pen and I love the way it glides over the paper so smoothly it's sensual really, and the things you can create with just a plain piece of paper and a regular old pen... Word thousands and thousands of words, and stories, and just writing my name over and over makes me happy.
Today I got 5 boxes of pencils, 6 packs of pens, 50 notebooks, 14 boxes of markers, and 10 boxes of crayons. I got 5 packs of erasers, 4 pencil sharpener, and a nifty little stapler and 3 boxes of staples. Target had it all at 75% off. I didn't even spend 30 bucks on it all! I was walking on clouds when Colton and I left that store.
Today I got 5 boxes of pencils, 6 packs of pens, 50 notebooks, 14 boxes of markers, and 10 boxes of crayons. I got 5 packs of erasers, 4 pencil sharpener, and a nifty little stapler and 3 boxes of staples. Target had it all at 75% off. I didn't even spend 30 bucks on it all! I was walking on clouds when Colton and I left that store.
Monday, September 19, 2005
The darkness swallows my words.
A void
A huge black hole where nothing exists
no time or space just emptyness
I am hallow
and shallow of thought
blank and black as a moonless night
I long for the words to come,
some inspiration to fuel the fire that burns in me
but alas I am barren.
A void
A huge black hole where nothing exists
no time or space just emptyness
I am hallow
and shallow of thought
blank and black as a moonless night
I long for the words to come,
some inspiration to fuel the fire that burns in me
but alas I am barren.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Most people don't know a lot about Wyoming, we are just some place out west to many people. Oh sure people know that Wyoming is were the Teton's are and most of Yellowstone national park is here, but they don't know the people that make this place such a great state. We have more Pronghorn Antelope than we have people living in our state. The total population of Wyoming lingers around 500,000 people and we are like the 10 largest state in land mass, which means you can always find a place to be alone when you need it. We live in a land that is forgien to most outsiders, we just do things a little different here. I know that if I break down on the highway someone will pull over and lend a hand. I still feel safe leaving my doors unlocked in my home and my car. We still visit with our neighbors, and talk to strangers when we are standing in the check out lines at the store. We have managed to keep most of our small town values, because we don't have to deal with the crime the rest of the country sees. Oh we have our problems with kids shooting out windows with BB guns, and we have horrible problems with drugs, but we don't see a lot of murders, and we can walk from one side of town to the other at midnight and the only people that stop are the ones asking if we need a ride. We take pride in being Americans, and we are just as will to help the rest of this great country as we are to help our neighbors, and I think this article really proves that.
Over 1 million dollars has been raised from our little podunk state already to go to the Red Cross to go to the Gulf Coast. I know it doesn't seem like that much really to all the places that support a larger population, but it is over $2.00 per person that lives in our state, and the donations are still coming in. It makes me glad to know that we are doing what we can to help.
Over 1 million dollars has been raised from our little podunk state already to go to the Red Cross to go to the Gulf Coast. I know it doesn't seem like that much really to all the places that support a larger population, but it is over $2.00 per person that lives in our state, and the donations are still coming in. It makes me glad to know that we are doing what we can to help.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Some parents...
Ok people I am asking, no really I am pleading and begging here. Do not send your little girls to school in Laura Ingals dresses you have hand sewn from old table clothes! I am telling you if you do this your child is the "weird kid" in school, and to 200 other kids it doesn't make any difference that you made all little sally's clothes by hand and you just think she looks so cute in them, and they don't understand that your religion takes up a good chunk of the family income and your to broke to buy her "real" clothes. Come on there are second hand stores all over town that sell pretty good stuff get her some, because the other kids are laughing at her. I am serious it will only harm her social life.
There is a little red haired girl that goes to the boys school. We see her every morning, and today D man tells me "She is weird". I asked him why she was weird and he says "Just look at the way she dresses mom, she's weird" to which Cam says "She is weird mom". I, trying to be a good mom asked if they knew her and they both said "No". Then I asked them how they could know she was weird if they didn't even know her Cam says "Everyone thinks she is weird mom." I tried to explain to them that she couldn't help it and her parents probably made her wear those clothes. David looks at me and gets deeply serious and said "Boy mom I am sure glad you don't make us be the weird kids that no one likes! Some parents just don't have any good sense do they!" "No baby some parents don't have any good sense at all." I said as I kissed the 3 of them goodbye and told them to have a good day trying to hide my giggles until they closed the car door. It was so clear to him that it was not her fault after that.
I am sure the little girl is a normal happy kid, she is always clean and smiling, and I know my boys don't tease her, I asked them they said they just stay away from her, but there are other kids that tease her I am sure of it, and it will only get worse the farther in school she goes. I think I agree with D man some parents just don't have good sense.
There is a little red haired girl that goes to the boys school. We see her every morning, and today D man tells me "She is weird". I asked him why she was weird and he says "Just look at the way she dresses mom, she's weird" to which Cam says "She is weird mom". I, trying to be a good mom asked if they knew her and they both said "No". Then I asked them how they could know she was weird if they didn't even know her Cam says "Everyone thinks she is weird mom." I tried to explain to them that she couldn't help it and her parents probably made her wear those clothes. David looks at me and gets deeply serious and said "Boy mom I am sure glad you don't make us be the weird kids that no one likes! Some parents just don't have any good sense do they!" "No baby some parents don't have any good sense at all." I said as I kissed the 3 of them goodbye and told them to have a good day trying to hide my giggles until they closed the car door. It was so clear to him that it was not her fault after that.
I am sure the little girl is a normal happy kid, she is always clean and smiling, and I know my boys don't tease her, I asked them they said they just stay away from her, but there are other kids that tease her I am sure of it, and it will only get worse the farther in school she goes. I think I agree with D man some parents just don't have good sense.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Today was the fourth anniversary of the day that changed America as we know it. I can't believe it has already been four years since radical religious fanatics' hijacked airplanes and crashed them into our buildings. I am just as affected by it today as I was the day it happened. I still see the burning towers and it moves me to silent tears. I was watching the Discovery Channel, one of the few channels on television worth watching, last night. They had some really good programs on about the families of some of the people who lost their lives in the tragedy, which left me deeply saddened. One mother, a police officer, left behind a baby girl, and her father, a cop as well, was left trying to raise his daughter alone, and give her memories of a mother she will never know. I hope she always knows her mom was hero, and I hope that she grows up just as carefree as any child should. There were stories of daughters, mothers, fathers, sisters, sons, and brothers. There were stories of regular people who thought they were safe going to work, and there were stories of the brave men and women who gave their lives trying to save other lives. They put names and faces with the victims and did so in a heart touching way. My tears fell uncontrollably as I listened to their stories. It still seems so unreal, things like that are not suppose to happen in America, but it did happen and can happen again. We as a people tend to forget and move on way to quickly, and the simple fact is that we must remember, and we must not let our guard down and allow something like this to happen again.
I like most of US citizens have a hard time understanding how a group of individuals can take life for granted and strap on a bomb or hijack an airplane in the name of a God and kill themselves and others. After the 9/11 programs were over they had Suicide Bombers: A Cult of Death. I would recommend watching it if you didn't get a chance to see it. It was a frightening program, but very insightful. It really did a good job of showing how mindless we as humans really are. Things like The Manson murders, and Jim Jones' cult, and those Haley's Comets nuts, and Hitler came to mind as I listened to the narrator, whose name I now forget, tell the story of how it all started. It frightened me because there is always someone willing to die for their cause no matter what cause that might be, and there are always people who will use that to farther their own gain, even if it has nothing to do with the cause of the people. It has happened time and again in the history of man kind, and will continue happening until mankind no longer exists.
The suicide bombers are no different than the American's who kill doctors because they work in an abortion clinic; they believe with all their hearts that they are doing the right thing, and when you have a leader telling you your God loves you and you are going to walk hand in hand with him for giving your life in the fight against evil it makes it even more right. If the Pope started telling people it was good and right to kill the abortion doctors, and everyone who murdered them would be at God's side, people would be lining up right here in the USA to do the same thing that is going on in the Middle East. It would start with Doctors, and move on to killing anyone who didn't share your belief that abortion was wrong. There would inevitably be someone who jumped on the bandwagon not caring either way about abortion, but saying they did, saying they cared deeply, because they see that they can get these mindless drones to do their bidding. They start telling these fanatics that they have to get rid of all people who do not believe that abortion is wrong, these babies killers, murders who are doing the work of the devil. They show them pictures of women getting abortions, and they tell horror stories and they make them believe that they will go to hell if they don't get rid of every person that is against them. They tell them it is the only way to stop abortion. They give them lists of names of people who are against them, they do the work they get rid of these people without knowing them, without checking the facts on weather they are for or against abortion, and they mindlessly kill because they think it is the only way to stop the evil. They are working on the side of good, and yeah they have heard that this so called leader is just trying to farther his own gain, but if it helps their cause so be it, because he is on their side. No one bothers to tell them that Mr. So and So on the hit list is pro life, no one tells them that he is the father of 4 small children, and a loving husband, and active in his church. No one tells them that he and their leader had an argument about the price of milk, and that is why he is on the list. Years go by and people start raising their children to believe they are fighting the good fight, and now we have generations of people willing to kill and die for what they believe is right.
That is the best analogy I can come up with to explain it to myself. I can clearly see how these things happen, but for just as clearly as I can see how it happens I still do not understand why.
I like most of US citizens have a hard time understanding how a group of individuals can take life for granted and strap on a bomb or hijack an airplane in the name of a God and kill themselves and others. After the 9/11 programs were over they had Suicide Bombers: A Cult of Death. I would recommend watching it if you didn't get a chance to see it. It was a frightening program, but very insightful. It really did a good job of showing how mindless we as humans really are. Things like The Manson murders, and Jim Jones' cult, and those Haley's Comets nuts, and Hitler came to mind as I listened to the narrator, whose name I now forget, tell the story of how it all started. It frightened me because there is always someone willing to die for their cause no matter what cause that might be, and there are always people who will use that to farther their own gain, even if it has nothing to do with the cause of the people. It has happened time and again in the history of man kind, and will continue happening until mankind no longer exists.
The suicide bombers are no different than the American's who kill doctors because they work in an abortion clinic; they believe with all their hearts that they are doing the right thing, and when you have a leader telling you your God loves you and you are going to walk hand in hand with him for giving your life in the fight against evil it makes it even more right. If the Pope started telling people it was good and right to kill the abortion doctors, and everyone who murdered them would be at God's side, people would be lining up right here in the USA to do the same thing that is going on in the Middle East. It would start with Doctors, and move on to killing anyone who didn't share your belief that abortion was wrong. There would inevitably be someone who jumped on the bandwagon not caring either way about abortion, but saying they did, saying they cared deeply, because they see that they can get these mindless drones to do their bidding. They start telling these fanatics that they have to get rid of all people who do not believe that abortion is wrong, these babies killers, murders who are doing the work of the devil. They show them pictures of women getting abortions, and they tell horror stories and they make them believe that they will go to hell if they don't get rid of every person that is against them. They tell them it is the only way to stop abortion. They give them lists of names of people who are against them, they do the work they get rid of these people without knowing them, without checking the facts on weather they are for or against abortion, and they mindlessly kill because they think it is the only way to stop the evil. They are working on the side of good, and yeah they have heard that this so called leader is just trying to farther his own gain, but if it helps their cause so be it, because he is on their side. No one bothers to tell them that Mr. So and So on the hit list is pro life, no one tells them that he is the father of 4 small children, and a loving husband, and active in his church. No one tells them that he and their leader had an argument about the price of milk, and that is why he is on the list. Years go by and people start raising their children to believe they are fighting the good fight, and now we have generations of people willing to kill and die for what they believe is right.
That is the best analogy I can come up with to explain it to myself. I can clearly see how these things happen, but for just as clearly as I can see how it happens I still do not understand why.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
School, tooth aches, and dasiy dukes
Colton has loved school. Everyday he is excited that he gets to go with his brothers. I talked to his teacher today, and she said he has done great. He had a minor break down today. Half the class went to the libary and the other half stayed in class and did a project then they switched off and the ones that were doing the project went to the libary... well Colton looked at his teacher and said "Oh I was suppose to go to the libary, it was in our plan." He thought he messed up and when she explained how they were doing it everything was all good again.
I have developed a nasty habit of clenching my teeth and grinding them in my sleep. If you do this you know that it causes great pain in your mouth! My teeth finally feel better today, but the last 2 day I could hardly bite down or anything. I guess will have to break down and go to the dentist and get fitted for one of those mouth guards as this is a problem that I have had in the past that just seems to be getting worse.
There are some things in life you can never prepare for no matter what, today that unpreparedness happened to me and Colton while we were at mini mart getting soda's. .Dasiy Dukes should not be worn by women over 40 that have not taken care of themselves. It is horrifying to see and something I never want to expose my child to again. We walked up and got in line and eye level with Colton was ass. He looked up at me, I looked at him, he reaches up touches her leg and politly tells her "lady I can see your ass checks and that is really gross. People don't want to have to look at that." It was lunch time and the store was packed and I thought the older man behind us was going to fall on the floor he was laughing so hard. The lady simply ignored him, with her cellulite butt checks exposed to the world. He then looked at me and said "Well mom it is gross." to which I said "Yes honey it is. Just don't look." and the lady was no more than a foot away from us so she heard it all. Maybe she will go home and throw those things out. After she left the guy behind us said he wished that adults could just tell it like it is the way children do, because he really wanted to tell her the same thing, and about 10 other people agreed with him
I have developed a nasty habit of clenching my teeth and grinding them in my sleep. If you do this you know that it causes great pain in your mouth! My teeth finally feel better today, but the last 2 day I could hardly bite down or anything. I guess will have to break down and go to the dentist and get fitted for one of those mouth guards as this is a problem that I have had in the past that just seems to be getting worse.
There are some things in life you can never prepare for no matter what, today that unpreparedness happened to me and Colton while we were at mini mart getting soda's. .Dasiy Dukes should not be worn by women over 40 that have not taken care of themselves. It is horrifying to see and something I never want to expose my child to again. We walked up and got in line and eye level with Colton was ass. He looked up at me, I looked at him, he reaches up touches her leg and politly tells her "lady I can see your ass checks and that is really gross. People don't want to have to look at that." It was lunch time and the store was packed and I thought the older man behind us was going to fall on the floor he was laughing so hard. The lady simply ignored him, with her cellulite butt checks exposed to the world. He then looked at me and said "Well mom it is gross." to which I said "Yes honey it is. Just don't look." and the lady was no more than a foot away from us so she heard it all. Maybe she will go home and throw those things out. After she left the guy behind us said he wished that adults could just tell it like it is the way children do, because he really wanted to tell her the same thing, and about 10 other people agreed with him
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
It's Tuesday
6:40 am "Moooommmm it's Tuesday." "Yes baby it is, but we have an hour to sleep still." I mumble as he crawls under the covers by me.
6:50 am "Is it time to get up yet?" which I try to ignore.
7:00 am "MOM it's time!" and I go ahead and crawl out of bed, because I know this is going to last for the next half an hour.
I got Colton some cereal while he woke his brothers up informing them that he got to go to school with them today! He was excited, so excited that I didn't even get as sad as I thought I would be, but now my house is quiet and lonesome. I can't wait until it's time to go get him! I am excited to here how he liked his first day!
6:50 am "Is it time to get up yet?" which I try to ignore.
7:00 am "MOM it's time!" and I go ahead and crawl out of bed, because I know this is going to last for the next half an hour.
I got Colton some cereal while he woke his brothers up informing them that he got to go to school with them today! He was excited, so excited that I didn't even get as sad as I thought I would be, but now my house is quiet and lonesome. I can't wait until it's time to go get him! I am excited to here how he liked his first day!
Monday, September 05, 2005
Ok its quiz time fol
Ok its quiz time folks. Jack has invented his very on quiz. The rules are very simple it's about you and the movies and the only rule is there are no rules, ok ok that isn't really true everything must have at least one rule and Jacks rule is you can't reuse movies, each one has to be unique and individual.
Name your five favorite movies.
1. The usual suspects
2. The untouchables
3. Finding Neverland
4. The Jerk
5. 10 things to do in Denver when your dead
Name five movies that made you who you are today.
1. ET
2. Nightmare on Elm Street
3. Winnie the Pooh
4. Benny and Joon
5. The killing fields
What five movies should everyone see?
1. Five People you meet in Heaven
2. Spanglish
3. National Treasure
4. A Walk on the Moon
5. The Lion King
Name five movies you think rock, and everyone else says they suck.
1. Van Helsing
2. Secret Window
3. Basic
4. Bark
Name five movies you think are over rated.
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Titanic
3. Moulin Rouge
4. Interview with a Vampire
5. The Terminal
What five movies scare you the most?
1. The Fog
2. The Shining
3. American Werewolf in London
4. Silence of the Lambs
5. Psycho
What five movies do you wish you had seen earlier in life?
1. The Notebook
2. To Kill a Mockingbird
3. Shawshank redemption
4. ?
5. ?
What five movies do you love that you didn’t get the first time you saw them?
1. The Big Chill
2. What's Eating Gilbert Grape
3. Boy and his dog
4. ?
5. ?
I am still trying to think up answers for some of these.
Name your five favorite movies.
1. The usual suspects
2. The untouchables
3. Finding Neverland
4. The Jerk
5. 10 things to do in Denver when your dead
Name five movies that made you who you are today.
1. ET
2. Nightmare on Elm Street
3. Winnie the Pooh
4. Benny and Joon
5. The killing fields
What five movies should everyone see?
1. Five People you meet in Heaven
2. Spanglish
3. National Treasure
4. A Walk on the Moon
5. The Lion King
Name five movies you think rock, and everyone else says they suck.
1. Van Helsing
2. Secret Window
3. Basic
4. Bark
Name five movies you think are over rated.
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Titanic
3. Moulin Rouge
4. Interview with a Vampire
5. The Terminal
What five movies scare you the most?
1. The Fog
2. The Shining
3. American Werewolf in London
4. Silence of the Lambs
5. Psycho
What five movies do you wish you had seen earlier in life?
1. The Notebook
2. To Kill a Mockingbird
3. Shawshank redemption
4. ?
5. ?
What five movies do you love that you didn’t get the first time you saw them?
1. The Big Chill
2. What's Eating Gilbert Grape
3. Boy and his dog
4. ?
5. ?
I am still trying to think up answers for some of these.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
PAW E-Newsletter
This newsletter will help direct people who have lost their pet, or just want to help. I just copied and pasted the whole thing from the email, because it has a lot of great information on what they are doing to help the animals effected and contact information is you lost a pet, and resources that need donations ect...
Pets & Animals in Distress - Sept 3, 2005
PAW e-Newsletter Hurricane Katrina Rescue Update
Hurricane Katrina has dealt a devastating blow to the Gulf Coast that
has left people and animals in trying and frightening conditions that
will take years for the region to recover.
Pets & Animals in Distress volunteers have been of the phones
contacting shelters in the disaster areas that are taking in animals to offer
our immediate assistance to help with food and supplies that are needed.
This is a massive relief undertaking that will require relief
organizations, animal shelters, rescue groups and government agencies to
coordinate and network together to help in the relief efforts for the animals.
Pets & Animals in Distress is also in direct contact and working with
our friends at The Meow Mix Company along with Purina Foods to arrange
to get food and supplies donated and delivered to those disaster area
shelters and communities that need help.
Pets & Animals in Distress has received many distress calls and e-mails
about animals that were left behind in the disaster area - primarily in
the New Orleans area. Many people were forced to leave their homes
during and in the aftermath of the hurricane and couldn't bring their
animal friends with them. We know and understand the anguish these
caregivers are going through and want to assist in the rescue of these helpless
We are in contact with relief organizations like the SPCA in New
Orleans, Noah's Wish Foundation, Humane Society and several other animal
shelters that are on the ground in the disaster areas. We are immediately
passing on any information that we receive about any animals that need
to be rescued and saved. Many animals are now being saved and rescued
from homes and being reunited back to families.
We have spoken to Roger Smith Regional Disaster Relief Coordinator for
Noah's Wish Foundation organization who informed us that Teri Crisp,
Director of Noah's Wish is now at the Slidell Animal Shelter, in
Louisiana were shelter officials have put Noah's Wish in charge of helping to
oversee the relief efforts of the overwhelming influx of abandoned and
rescued animals that have come into their shelter that normally houses
about 50 animals and is now well over 300.
Pets & Animals in Distress has been making great progress networking
with many of these relief organizations and shelters, sharing information
and contacts and coordinating our relief efforts. We thank our many
volunteers and everyone that is working tirelessly a round the clock
making phone calls, sending out e-mails, coordinating and organizing relief
efforts to bring in supplies and to help rescue and save as many
animals as we possibly can. It is an overwhelming challenge that is ahead of
us for many months, BUT WE CAN DO IT!
I had the opportunity to speak with Laura who is with the SPCA of New
Orleans that is at ground zero that is surrounded by of all the chaos.
We have been told that city officials are now allowing them to go in
and rescue the many animals that were left behind in homes. I also have
spoken to a lady named Linda Coker from New Orleans that had been
visiting her family in Alabama when the hurricane hit. She had left her 2
cats and 2 dogs behind with enough food and water for a week but
couldn't go back because of the evacuation and has been very frantic and
upset trying to get her animals rescued. It was reported that the animals
were alive as of Tuesday from a neighbor. We have passed a description
of the animals and the address of where they are located to the SPCA in
New Orleans who will go to the location to see if they are still there
and rescue them.
There are still many animals that are left inside homes that need to be
rescued. We are putting out a SPECIAL ANIMAL BOLO ALERT and are asking
anyone that may know someone that had to evacuate the disaster areas
that had companion animals that they had to leave behind to please
have them contact Pets & Animals in Distress at:
contact@petsandanimals.org or call (954) 202-9991. We are compiling a
list of animals that need to be rescued to pass on to affiliate
relief organizations, rescue groups shelters and volunteers in those areas
who are already on the ground rescuing stranded animals.
When contacting us please ask them to include:
Contact/ Owners name
Contact phone numbers / e-mail address
Address where the animals are
Name(s) of animal(s)
Description of animal(s)
Please cross post pass this urgent message on to as many people as
you can as time is of the essence.
I also spoke to Danine who is the Shelter Manager with the Humane
Society of Monroe, Louisiana that is about 4 hours away from New Orleans,
who said that their shelter has been inundated with many animals that
were dropped off by pet owners because of the evacuation and are now being
cared for along with many other animals that have been rescued and
brought in on a daily basis and are in need of food and supplies. We have
contacted our friends at The Meow Mix Company who have offered to help
with food and will have several pallets of food delivered to their
shelter within the next few days. We are coordinating to have more food
delivered to help other shelters in other disaster areas. We are
asking any shelters that are taking in Hurricane animals in need of food or
assistance to contact Pets & Animals in Distress at
This is a massive relief undertaking that will require the help,
efforts and teamwork from many other animal relief organizations, shelters,
rescue groups, volunteers and agencies from all over the U.S. to
coordinate and network together to help in the biggest animal relief effort
that is ahead of all of us to help rescue and save the hurricane
animals. The impact of this disaster crisis will be felt for months and years
to come.
We would like to dedicate the very end of this e-newsletter to those of
you who responded to our urgent appeal to help us with their monthly
and one time donations, thus providing us with the funding that will
assure that we will be able to continue our ongoing vital relief work and
efforts to help the animals in the future.
Please keep the people and animals in your prayers. Thank you to
everyone for your generosity, support and prayers in these very difficult
times of need. We need you now. God Bless!
Brenda Beck, President
Pets & Animals in Distress
"Your Best Friends Helping Our Best Friends"
Organization Contact Phone/ Name
SPCA of New Orleans area: Laura 434-589-1499
Northwest Louisiana Humane Soc. Nancy 318-219-7387504-366-8972
Humane Society of Monroe Danine 318-387-9553
Humane Society of Central Louisiana 318-641-0458
Caddo Commission Animal Svcs. Anita Mills 318-222-6624
Lafayette Parish Animal Control 337-291-5644
Noah's Wish Foundation Teri/Roger 530-622-9313
Contact information for Animal Rescue Organizations In Mississippi
Mississippi Alliance 228-216-7729
Gulf Coast SPCA 228-872-5659
Contact information for Animal Rescue Organizations In Alabama
Greater Birmingham Humane Society Jackie/ Melissa
Contact information for Red Cross in Louisiana with Shelter that allows
NW Louisiana Chapter Red Cross Michelle Davidson 318-865-9545
Animal Evacuation and Recovery Plan for New Orleans Area
The Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
(LA/SPCA), the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association (LVMA), the Louisiana
Animal Control Association (LACA), and the LSU School of Veterinary
Medicine (SVM) are managing animal evacuations and recovery plans for New
Orleans pets and displaced animals.
Evacuees Seeking Pets That Were Boarded in Veterinary Clinics
At this time, animals from the following veterinary clinics are being
housed at the Parker Coliseum on the LSU Campus:
Metairie Small Animal Hospital
St. Tammany Animal Shelter
The Cat Practice (Metairie)
Southern Animal Foundation
This list will be updated as needed.
If you are a pet owner whose animal was at one of these facilities,
please call the Emergency Animal Shelter Hotline at (225) 578-6111 for
information about your pet(s). This number should be used only by owners
looking for their pets and people or shelters that need to drop off
pets. All others (those wishing to make donations, volunteers, those
seeking general information, etc.) should contact the LSU School of
Veterinary Medicine at (225) 578-9900.
The Lamar-Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales is currently housing the
Companion animals owned by people who were in Red Cross-associated
evacuations (Causeway and I-10 bus staging area)
Stray companion animals (may include pets that escaped from homes or
were otherwise lost)
Clinics and Shelters That Need to Transfer Pets
Please call the Emergency Animal Shelter Hotline at (225) 578-6111 to
arrange for drop-off.
Pets Traveling With Owners:
The LVMA is currently accepting pets at the Blackham Coliseum in
Lafayette, LSU in Shreveport, the Monroe Civic Center for small animals and
the Ike Hamilton Center for large animals in Monroe, the Farmer's Market
in Alexandria, and the LSU Agriculture Center/Parker Coliseum in Baton
Rouge. Owners must be housed in a Red Cross shelter; owners are
responsible for caring for their animals, including feeding and cleaning.
Animals will be accepted 24 hours a day. Veterinarians will be on hand to
handle any medical needs.
While owners are responsible for the feeding and cleaning of their pets
at the Parker Coliseum in Baton Rouge, the SVM, along with volunteers
from the Baton Rouge Veterinary Medical Association, will provide
veterinary care. If for some reason, an owner is unable to care for a pet
sheltered in the Parker Coliseum (e.g., the owner is housed in a special
needs shelter), SVM student volunteers will provide primary care, such
as feeding and cleaning. The East Baton Rouge Animal Control Center will
be taking stray animals.
The Parker Coliseum will be staffed 24 hours a day by a supervising
veterinarian and student volunteers from the School of veterinary
medicine. Pets in the Coliseum will be given physical exams and Bordetella
(kennel cough) vaccinations. If a pet requires medical attention and
veterinary monitoring, it will be sent to the LSU School of Veterinary
Medicine's Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
People With Pets Who Are Evacuating New Orleans
The LA/SPCA will transport animals from pick-up points in New Orleans
to the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center. The pick-up points have not yet been
determined and are being coordinated with the agency charged with
transporting people from New Orleans to other areas.
The Lamar-Dixon Expo Center, 9039 St. Landry Rd., Gonzales, La., will
serve as the primary staging area. Once the shelter is full, animals
will be moved to temporary shelters in other areas of Louisiana and Texas.
The LA/SPCA Dorothy Dorsett Mobile Veterinary Center will be at the
Lamar-Dixon Center to treat incoming animals as needed.
Confined Pets Still in Disaster Areas
Beginning on September 1, residents who left pets in their homes may
call the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Hotline at (225) 578-9900 or
toll-free at (888) 568-5557, to leave information about the number of
animals, species, and their confined location.
We have received news that an animal shelter at Blackham Coliseum in
Lafayette has been opened, right next to the Cajundome. Evacuees may
bring their pets their for housing. The shelter has PLENTY of food,
water, crates, cages, bedding and newspaper. BUT the owners are
responsible for feeding, watering, walking and medicating their own pets.
Interested parties may call Lafayette Parish Animal Control at 337-291-5644
for more information.
Mississippi Animal Rescue League (MARL)
There is a pet friendly shelter set up at the Coliseum in Jackson and
run by Mississippi Animal Rescue League (MARL) and staff of the
Louisiana SPCA, who evacuated to that area. MARL also took some animals in at
its shelter. As of Tuesday morning, the two locations were sheltering
over 100 animals for evacuees. The Houston SPCA has taken in 260 animals
evacuated from the Louisiana. SPCA and currently has those animals
available for adoption. Thankfully, many animal groups are rushing to
We are hearing about so many tame, stray, and feral cats in threatening
circumstances, and we know that more frightened, displaced cats will be
found. If you know of cats, caregivers, or a rescue group in need, call
Alley Cat Allies at 240-482-1980, ext. 125, and ask for Vanessa or
e-mail alleycat@alleycat.org. )
Many hurricane animals were also found with microchips in all the
States hit by Hurricane Katrina. There are several hundred already safely
placed and need the owners to call any of the following microchip
companies if you have lost your pet.
(Type in the state, city or zip code to find a shelter)
Go To:
Volunteers are needed on site at area emergency animal shelters, but
you must be fully self-sufficient. They need your help, but shelters
cannot supply any food, water, vehicles, lodging, or accommodations for
volunteers (at least for the time being). Supplies are critically scarce
or non-existent. Do not even consider volunteering unless you can fully
provide your own housing, transportation (including gas), food, and
Gonzales, Louisiana: The Louisiana SPCA has established a shelter for
animals rescued animals from Hurricane Katrina at the Lamar Dixon Horse
Expo Center off Exit 177 on I-10 in Gonzales. To volunteer, contact
director Laura Maloney at 225-413-8813.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University School of Veterinary
Medicine and Louisiana Animal Control Association are setting up an
emergency animal shelter at the LSU Ag Center. They already have some 500
animals there, with another 60-100 expected any time. The center is
open 24 hours a day. To volunteer, contact Cathy at
wellsc@legis.state.la.us or call 225-578-9900.
Other emergency shelters that may need assistance or supplies: at the
Animal Services facility and at the Lake Charles Civic Center.
LaFayette, Louisiana: The Cajundome is a shelter for humans only; pets
are being housed a block away at Blackham Coliseum. People are
responsible for caring for their own animals. To assist, contact Lafayette
Parish Animal Control at: 337-291-5644. The Cajundome is located at 444
Cajundome Blvd., Lafayette, LA 70506, phone: 337-265-2100.
Donate needed supplies
The emergency shelter at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge is
accepting donations of supplies. (They already have approximately 500
animals there, with another 60-100 expected to come in any time now.)
Today they report needing the following:
These items are always needed:
Pet food* Wet / Dry (Dog, Cat, Puppy, Kitten)
Cat litter*
Litter Boxes
Large/ Small Cages and carriers
Litter scoopers
Clean sheets and towels
New items also needed:
Amoxicillin / Clavamox
Flea preventative (Frontline, Advantix, Capstar, etc.)
Heartworm medication (Interceptor, Heartguard, etc.)
Cameras (to take pictures of the displaced animals)
Medicated shampoo
Fans and extension cords
Large trash cans
Can openers
Cotton balls
Waterless hand sanitizer
Baby wipes
Rubbing alcohol
Empty spray bottles
Trash bags
Disposable paper bowls
* Food and litter are needed immediately, but expect to get larger
shipments of food and litter donated within a week, so if you are sending
items from a distance, please select other items on the list.
To check on current needs, call 225-578-9900 or e-mail Cathy at:
Items can be sent or delivered to:
Disaster Relief-Companion Animal
Louisiana State University
School of Veterinary Medicine
Attn: Dr. Rebecca Adcock
Skip Bertman Drive at River Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: 225-578-9900
Click the below link and go to our secure on-line donation page on the
following page.
Send Donation By Mail to:
Pets & Animals in Distress
C/O Hurricane Relief Fund
1511 East Commercial Blvd - PMB #129
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334
Please visit our PAW website to look at our past hurricane relief
1511 east Commercial Blvd
PMB #129
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334
United States
Pets & Animals in Distress - Sept 3, 2005
PAW e-Newsletter Hurricane Katrina Rescue Update
Hurricane Katrina has dealt a devastating blow to the Gulf Coast that
has left people and animals in trying and frightening conditions that
will take years for the region to recover.
Pets & Animals in Distress volunteers have been of the phones
contacting shelters in the disaster areas that are taking in animals to offer
our immediate assistance to help with food and supplies that are needed.
This is a massive relief undertaking that will require relief
organizations, animal shelters, rescue groups and government agencies to
coordinate and network together to help in the relief efforts for the animals.
Pets & Animals in Distress is also in direct contact and working with
our friends at The Meow Mix Company along with Purina Foods to arrange
to get food and supplies donated and delivered to those disaster area
shelters and communities that need help.
Pets & Animals in Distress has received many distress calls and e-mails
about animals that were left behind in the disaster area - primarily in
the New Orleans area. Many people were forced to leave their homes
during and in the aftermath of the hurricane and couldn't bring their
animal friends with them. We know and understand the anguish these
caregivers are going through and want to assist in the rescue of these helpless
We are in contact with relief organizations like the SPCA in New
Orleans, Noah's Wish Foundation, Humane Society and several other animal
shelters that are on the ground in the disaster areas. We are immediately
passing on any information that we receive about any animals that need
to be rescued and saved. Many animals are now being saved and rescued
from homes and being reunited back to families.
We have spoken to Roger Smith Regional Disaster Relief Coordinator for
Noah's Wish Foundation organization who informed us that Teri Crisp,
Director of Noah's Wish is now at the Slidell Animal Shelter, in
Louisiana were shelter officials have put Noah's Wish in charge of helping to
oversee the relief efforts of the overwhelming influx of abandoned and
rescued animals that have come into their shelter that normally houses
about 50 animals and is now well over 300.
Pets & Animals in Distress has been making great progress networking
with many of these relief organizations and shelters, sharing information
and contacts and coordinating our relief efforts. We thank our many
volunteers and everyone that is working tirelessly a round the clock
making phone calls, sending out e-mails, coordinating and organizing relief
efforts to bring in supplies and to help rescue and save as many
animals as we possibly can. It is an overwhelming challenge that is ahead of
us for many months, BUT WE CAN DO IT!
I had the opportunity to speak with Laura who is with the SPCA of New
Orleans that is at ground zero that is surrounded by of all the chaos.
We have been told that city officials are now allowing them to go in
and rescue the many animals that were left behind in homes. I also have
spoken to a lady named Linda Coker from New Orleans that had been
visiting her family in Alabama when the hurricane hit. She had left her 2
cats and 2 dogs behind with enough food and water for a week but
couldn't go back because of the evacuation and has been very frantic and
upset trying to get her animals rescued. It was reported that the animals
were alive as of Tuesday from a neighbor. We have passed a description
of the animals and the address of where they are located to the SPCA in
New Orleans who will go to the location to see if they are still there
and rescue them.
There are still many animals that are left inside homes that need to be
rescued. We are putting out a SPECIAL ANIMAL BOLO ALERT and are asking
anyone that may know someone that had to evacuate the disaster areas
that had companion animals that they had to leave behind to please
have them contact Pets & Animals in Distress at:
contact@petsandanimals.org or call (954) 202-9991. We are compiling a
list of animals that need to be rescued to pass on to affiliate
relief organizations, rescue groups shelters and volunteers in those areas
who are already on the ground rescuing stranded animals.
When contacting us please ask them to include:
Contact/ Owners name
Contact phone numbers / e-mail address
Address where the animals are
Name(s) of animal(s)
Description of animal(s)
Please cross post pass this urgent message on to as many people as
you can as time is of the essence.
I also spoke to Danine who is the Shelter Manager with the Humane
Society of Monroe, Louisiana that is about 4 hours away from New Orleans,
who said that their shelter has been inundated with many animals that
were dropped off by pet owners because of the evacuation and are now being
cared for along with many other animals that have been rescued and
brought in on a daily basis and are in need of food and supplies. We have
contacted our friends at The Meow Mix Company who have offered to help
with food and will have several pallets of food delivered to their
shelter within the next few days. We are coordinating to have more food
delivered to help other shelters in other disaster areas. We are
asking any shelters that are taking in Hurricane animals in need of food or
assistance to contact Pets & Animals in Distress at
This is a massive relief undertaking that will require the help,
efforts and teamwork from many other animal relief organizations, shelters,
rescue groups, volunteers and agencies from all over the U.S. to
coordinate and network together to help in the biggest animal relief effort
that is ahead of all of us to help rescue and save the hurricane
animals. The impact of this disaster crisis will be felt for months and years
to come.
We would like to dedicate the very end of this e-newsletter to those of
you who responded to our urgent appeal to help us with their monthly
and one time donations, thus providing us with the funding that will
assure that we will be able to continue our ongoing vital relief work and
efforts to help the animals in the future.
Please keep the people and animals in your prayers. Thank you to
everyone for your generosity, support and prayers in these very difficult
times of need. We need you now. God Bless!
Brenda Beck, President
Pets & Animals in Distress
"Your Best Friends Helping Our Best Friends"
Organization Contact Phone/ Name
SPCA of New Orleans area: Laura 434-589-1499
Northwest Louisiana Humane Soc. Nancy 318-219-7387504-366-8972
Humane Society of Monroe Danine 318-387-9553
Humane Society of Central Louisiana 318-641-0458
Caddo Commission Animal Svcs. Anita Mills 318-222-6624
Lafayette Parish Animal Control 337-291-5644
Noah's Wish Foundation Teri/Roger 530-622-9313
Contact information for Animal Rescue Organizations In Mississippi
Mississippi Alliance 228-216-7729
Gulf Coast SPCA 228-872-5659
Contact information for Animal Rescue Organizations In Alabama
Greater Birmingham Humane Society Jackie/ Melissa
Contact information for Red Cross in Louisiana with Shelter that allows
NW Louisiana Chapter Red Cross Michelle Davidson 318-865-9545
Animal Evacuation and Recovery Plan for New Orleans Area
The Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
(LA/SPCA), the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association (LVMA), the Louisiana
Animal Control Association (LACA), and the LSU School of Veterinary
Medicine (SVM) are managing animal evacuations and recovery plans for New
Orleans pets and displaced animals.
Evacuees Seeking Pets That Were Boarded in Veterinary Clinics
At this time, animals from the following veterinary clinics are being
housed at the Parker Coliseum on the LSU Campus:
Metairie Small Animal Hospital
St. Tammany Animal Shelter
The Cat Practice (Metairie)
Southern Animal Foundation
This list will be updated as needed.
If you are a pet owner whose animal was at one of these facilities,
please call the Emergency Animal Shelter Hotline at (225) 578-6111 for
information about your pet(s). This number should be used only by owners
looking for their pets and people or shelters that need to drop off
pets. All others (those wishing to make donations, volunteers, those
seeking general information, etc.) should contact the LSU School of
Veterinary Medicine at (225) 578-9900.
The Lamar-Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales is currently housing the
Companion animals owned by people who were in Red Cross-associated
evacuations (Causeway and I-10 bus staging area)
Stray companion animals (may include pets that escaped from homes or
were otherwise lost)
Clinics and Shelters That Need to Transfer Pets
Please call the Emergency Animal Shelter Hotline at (225) 578-6111 to
arrange for drop-off.
Pets Traveling With Owners:
The LVMA is currently accepting pets at the Blackham Coliseum in
Lafayette, LSU in Shreveport, the Monroe Civic Center for small animals and
the Ike Hamilton Center for large animals in Monroe, the Farmer's Market
in Alexandria, and the LSU Agriculture Center/Parker Coliseum in Baton
Rouge. Owners must be housed in a Red Cross shelter; owners are
responsible for caring for their animals, including feeding and cleaning.
Animals will be accepted 24 hours a day. Veterinarians will be on hand to
handle any medical needs.
While owners are responsible for the feeding and cleaning of their pets
at the Parker Coliseum in Baton Rouge, the SVM, along with volunteers
from the Baton Rouge Veterinary Medical Association, will provide
veterinary care. If for some reason, an owner is unable to care for a pet
sheltered in the Parker Coliseum (e.g., the owner is housed in a special
needs shelter), SVM student volunteers will provide primary care, such
as feeding and cleaning. The East Baton Rouge Animal Control Center will
be taking stray animals.
The Parker Coliseum will be staffed 24 hours a day by a supervising
veterinarian and student volunteers from the School of veterinary
medicine. Pets in the Coliseum will be given physical exams and Bordetella
(kennel cough) vaccinations. If a pet requires medical attention and
veterinary monitoring, it will be sent to the LSU School of Veterinary
Medicine's Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
People With Pets Who Are Evacuating New Orleans
The LA/SPCA will transport animals from pick-up points in New Orleans
to the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center. The pick-up points have not yet been
determined and are being coordinated with the agency charged with
transporting people from New Orleans to other areas.
The Lamar-Dixon Expo Center, 9039 St. Landry Rd., Gonzales, La., will
serve as the primary staging area. Once the shelter is full, animals
will be moved to temporary shelters in other areas of Louisiana and Texas.
The LA/SPCA Dorothy Dorsett Mobile Veterinary Center will be at the
Lamar-Dixon Center to treat incoming animals as needed.
Confined Pets Still in Disaster Areas
Beginning on September 1, residents who left pets in their homes may
call the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Hotline at (225) 578-9900 or
toll-free at (888) 568-5557, to leave information about the number of
animals, species, and their confined location.
We have received news that an animal shelter at Blackham Coliseum in
Lafayette has been opened, right next to the Cajundome. Evacuees may
bring their pets their for housing. The shelter has PLENTY of food,
water, crates, cages, bedding and newspaper. BUT the owners are
responsible for feeding, watering, walking and medicating their own pets.
Interested parties may call Lafayette Parish Animal Control at 337-291-5644
for more information.
Mississippi Animal Rescue League (MARL)
There is a pet friendly shelter set up at the Coliseum in Jackson and
run by Mississippi Animal Rescue League (MARL) and staff of the
Louisiana SPCA, who evacuated to that area. MARL also took some animals in at
its shelter. As of Tuesday morning, the two locations were sheltering
over 100 animals for evacuees. The Houston SPCA has taken in 260 animals
evacuated from the Louisiana. SPCA and currently has those animals
available for adoption. Thankfully, many animal groups are rushing to
We are hearing about so many tame, stray, and feral cats in threatening
circumstances, and we know that more frightened, displaced cats will be
found. If you know of cats, caregivers, or a rescue group in need, call
Alley Cat Allies at 240-482-1980, ext. 125, and ask for Vanessa or
e-mail alleycat@alleycat.org. )
Many hurricane animals were also found with microchips in all the
States hit by Hurricane Katrina. There are several hundred already safely
placed and need the owners to call any of the following microchip
companies if you have lost your pet.
(Type in the state, city or zip code to find a shelter)
Go To:
Volunteers are needed on site at area emergency animal shelters, but
you must be fully self-sufficient. They need your help, but shelters
cannot supply any food, water, vehicles, lodging, or accommodations for
volunteers (at least for the time being). Supplies are critically scarce
or non-existent. Do not even consider volunteering unless you can fully
provide your own housing, transportation (including gas), food, and
Gonzales, Louisiana: The Louisiana SPCA has established a shelter for
animals rescued animals from Hurricane Katrina at the Lamar Dixon Horse
Expo Center off Exit 177 on I-10 in Gonzales. To volunteer, contact
director Laura Maloney at 225-413-8813.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University School of Veterinary
Medicine and Louisiana Animal Control Association are setting up an
emergency animal shelter at the LSU Ag Center. They already have some 500
animals there, with another 60-100 expected any time. The center is
open 24 hours a day. To volunteer, contact Cathy at
wellsc@legis.state.la.us or call 225-578-9900.
Other emergency shelters that may need assistance or supplies: at the
Animal Services facility and at the Lake Charles Civic Center.
LaFayette, Louisiana: The Cajundome is a shelter for humans only; pets
are being housed a block away at Blackham Coliseum. People are
responsible for caring for their own animals. To assist, contact Lafayette
Parish Animal Control at: 337-291-5644. The Cajundome is located at 444
Cajundome Blvd., Lafayette, LA 70506, phone: 337-265-2100.
Donate needed supplies
The emergency shelter at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge is
accepting donations of supplies. (They already have approximately 500
animals there, with another 60-100 expected to come in any time now.)
Today they report needing the following:
These items are always needed:
Pet food* Wet / Dry (Dog, Cat, Puppy, Kitten)
Cat litter*
Litter Boxes
Large/ Small Cages and carriers
Litter scoopers
Clean sheets and towels
New items also needed:
Amoxicillin / Clavamox
Flea preventative (Frontline, Advantix, Capstar, etc.)
Heartworm medication (Interceptor, Heartguard, etc.)
Cameras (to take pictures of the displaced animals)
Medicated shampoo
Fans and extension cords
Large trash cans
Can openers
Cotton balls
Waterless hand sanitizer
Baby wipes
Rubbing alcohol
Empty spray bottles
Trash bags
Disposable paper bowls
* Food and litter are needed immediately, but expect to get larger
shipments of food and litter donated within a week, so if you are sending
items from a distance, please select other items on the list.
To check on current needs, call 225-578-9900 or e-mail Cathy at:
Items can be sent or delivered to:
Disaster Relief-Companion Animal
Louisiana State University
School of Veterinary Medicine
Attn: Dr. Rebecca Adcock
Skip Bertman Drive at River Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: 225-578-9900
Click the below link and go to our secure on-line donation page on the
following page.
Send Donation By Mail to:
Pets & Animals in Distress
C/O Hurricane Relief Fund
1511 East Commercial Blvd - PMB #129
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334
Please visit our PAW website to look at our past hurricane relief
1511 east Commercial Blvd
PMB #129
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334
United States
Friday, September 02, 2005
I am deeply saddened
I am deeply saddened for all of the people left homeless by the hurricane, but for just as much as I am saddened I am baffled. Anyone who reads often knows that my mom and dad live in Wright, Wyoming. They had a devastating tornado a few weeks ago, that destroyed over 90 homes. I know that doesn't sound that bad in comparison to what is going on in the Gulf States, but the population of Wright is only 1400 people that is a lot of homes lost, but that is not where I intend to go with this post, so let me get back on track.
I really don't know how to say what I am trying to say without just being blunt and to the point and I am sure that is going to offend some of my readers, so be it. I turn on the news and it seems to be a bunch of people expecting everyone to give them stuff. I am not saying we should not help them we should, but when I was in Wright after the tornados I was amazed by the fact that the people who where hit the hardest were the ones helping everyone else. When my mom was talking to the FEMA guy he told her he was amazed at how the people of that one little town pulled together and got things done. There were people who lost everything making donations to the red cross, the church of Christ was have trouble giving away clothes and other items because people were to proud to take hand outs. The words were always the same "Oh I don't need charity", and the simple fact was they did, they do. When you have a family of five and no home you need a little help. I am not saying that there are not people like that down south, but the majority seems to expect a hand out. I think that they need to do something instead of setting around at the convention center complaining that the buses have not shown up to get them out. Start piling up the garbage that is littering the streets in front of you, gather up all the children and do something to entertain them for awhile, get everyone on the same page, have a pray group, whatever just do something instead of crying and complaining. Start helping yourselves a little bit until other help can get there… and the people who have already been taken to shelters, get yourselves cleaned up and rested up and do something useful instead of sitting around saying poor me I lost everything… well so did everyone else around you. Go offer to lend a hand in getting other people fed or clothed, find one of those Red Cross people and find out what you can do to make someone else have an easier time of things. You are all in the same boat; help yourselves and each other, because that is the only way things are going to get better.
On a side note something that keeps bothering me. Everyone is talking about New Orleans and I know those poor people are suffer beyond belief, but so are people in Mississippi, Alabama, Florida... lets not forget this was not just one town this thing hit the whole gulf coast, and it isn't just the people in New orleans who need help!
I really don't know how to say what I am trying to say without just being blunt and to the point and I am sure that is going to offend some of my readers, so be it. I turn on the news and it seems to be a bunch of people expecting everyone to give them stuff. I am not saying we should not help them we should, but when I was in Wright after the tornados I was amazed by the fact that the people who where hit the hardest were the ones helping everyone else. When my mom was talking to the FEMA guy he told her he was amazed at how the people of that one little town pulled together and got things done. There were people who lost everything making donations to the red cross, the church of Christ was have trouble giving away clothes and other items because people were to proud to take hand outs. The words were always the same "Oh I don't need charity", and the simple fact was they did, they do. When you have a family of five and no home you need a little help. I am not saying that there are not people like that down south, but the majority seems to expect a hand out. I think that they need to do something instead of setting around at the convention center complaining that the buses have not shown up to get them out. Start piling up the garbage that is littering the streets in front of you, gather up all the children and do something to entertain them for awhile, get everyone on the same page, have a pray group, whatever just do something instead of crying and complaining. Start helping yourselves a little bit until other help can get there… and the people who have already been taken to shelters, get yourselves cleaned up and rested up and do something useful instead of sitting around saying poor me I lost everything… well so did everyone else around you. Go offer to lend a hand in getting other people fed or clothed, find one of those Red Cross people and find out what you can do to make someone else have an easier time of things. You are all in the same boat; help yourselves and each other, because that is the only way things are going to get better.
On a side note something that keeps bothering me. Everyone is talking about New Orleans and I know those poor people are suffer beyond belief, but so are people in Mississippi, Alabama, Florida... lets not forget this was not just one town this thing hit the whole gulf coast, and it isn't just the people in New orleans who need help!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
The world is forever
The world is forever changing, but it seems for every step forward we take two steps back. We are no closer to peace in the Middle East, natural disasters are increasingly getting worse, people have forgotten how to band together and help each other out, and the world is quickly becoming more and more self centered. The words my sister said to me earlier tonight keep echoing in my ears "this is the beginning of the end". I asked her what she meant and she said the end of everything as we know it. I think she is right.
A little good news today
Anne Murray
A little good news today
Anne Murray
I rolled out this morning
Kids had the mornin' news show on
Bryant Gumbel was talkin' 'bout the fighting in Lebanon
Some senator was squawkin' 'bout the bad economy
It's gonna get worse you see, we need a change in policy
There's a local paper rolled up in a rubber band
One more sad story's one more than I can stand
Just once how I'd like to see the headline say
"Not much to print today, can't find nothin' bad to say", because
Nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town
Nobody OD'ed, nobody burned a single buildin' down
Nobody fired a shot in anger, nobody had to die in vain
We sure could use a little good news today
I'll come home this evenin'
I'll bet that the news will be the same
Somebody takes a hostage, somebody steals a plane
How I wanna hear the anchor man talk about a county fair
And how we cleaned up the air, how everybody learned to care
Whoa, tell me
Nobody was assassinated in the whole Third World today
And in the streets of Ireland, all the children had to do was play
And everybody loves everybody in the good old USA
We sure could use a little good news today
Nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town
Nobody OD'ed, nobody burned a single buildin' down
Nobody fired a shot in anger, nobody had to die in vain
We sure could use a little good news today
A little good news today
Anne Murray
A little good news today
Anne Murray
I rolled out this morning
Kids had the mornin' news show on
Bryant Gumbel was talkin' 'bout the fighting in Lebanon
Some senator was squawkin' 'bout the bad economy
It's gonna get worse you see, we need a change in policy
There's a local paper rolled up in a rubber band
One more sad story's one more than I can stand
Just once how I'd like to see the headline say
"Not much to print today, can't find nothin' bad to say", because
Nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town
Nobody OD'ed, nobody burned a single buildin' down
Nobody fired a shot in anger, nobody had to die in vain
We sure could use a little good news today
I'll come home this evenin'
I'll bet that the news will be the same
Somebody takes a hostage, somebody steals a plane
How I wanna hear the anchor man talk about a county fair
And how we cleaned up the air, how everybody learned to care
Whoa, tell me
Nobody was assassinated in the whole Third World today
And in the streets of Ireland, all the children had to do was play
And everybody loves everybody in the good old USA
We sure could use a little good news today
Nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town
Nobody OD'ed, nobody burned a single buildin' down
Nobody fired a shot in anger, nobody had to die in vain
We sure could use a little good news today
The mind of a child is a terrible thing to waste!
"Hey, Colton, bring mommy a towel would you?" I yelled from the shower.
"Sure momma!" I heard him say as the pitter patter of his feet run from the living room, where he had been watching nicktoons, to the linen closet.
"Here, mom!" he beamed.
"Thanks, baby! You are awesome cool!" I tell him.
"I take good care of you huh mom! It's just like a dream come true!" he states as he runs back to the television!
He has been a little bored without his brothers around to entertain him all day, and he is ready to start school next Tuesday. I however have enjoyed our time together this week.
Cameron and David are glad to be back at school to play with their friends. Thankfully they have each other. David protects his little brother and Cameron takes care of the things that need taking care of. The first day I sent lunch money with David and the next morning I asked if he turned it in. "oh, no mom I forgot!" so I get the money back from him and give it to Cameron. After school that day I asked if he turned it in.
"Yes mom I gave it to my teacher and I told her it was for lunch for me and David, and to credit half to me and half to David." He is five, but sometimes I think he is much older.
"Sure momma!" I heard him say as the pitter patter of his feet run from the living room, where he had been watching nicktoons, to the linen closet.
"Here, mom!" he beamed.
"Thanks, baby! You are awesome cool!" I tell him.
"I take good care of you huh mom! It's just like a dream come true!" he states as he runs back to the television!
He has been a little bored without his brothers around to entertain him all day, and he is ready to start school next Tuesday. I however have enjoyed our time together this week.
Cameron and David are glad to be back at school to play with their friends. Thankfully they have each other. David protects his little brother and Cameron takes care of the things that need taking care of. The first day I sent lunch money with David and the next morning I asked if he turned it in. "oh, no mom I forgot!" so I get the money back from him and give it to Cameron. After school that day I asked if he turned it in.
"Yes mom I gave it to my teacher and I told her it was for lunch for me and David, and to credit half to me and half to David." He is five, but sometimes I think he is much older.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
These thoughts in my head are driving me mad.
I just have not been on with this blog stuff lately. I just don't seem to have anything to say. Well I have a lot to say I just can't find the right words to say it here it seems.
David really wants to go help the people who were effected by the hurricane. He also went to granny's to help after the tornado that hit them. I am thinking of organizing a food drive at the school with him. I think that would be a good lesson for him and he would feel like he really did help. Kids amaze me. They are not self centered like most adults are. I wish we didn't lose the innocence of childhood that really sucks. It would be such a nicer world if everyone thought like children do.
I don't understand the looters. I don't understand why anyone would take advantage of someone else misfortune. It makes me angry that there are people that do these kinds of things. I am at a lose for words over these people.
I have seen Scooby Doo 2 about ten thousand times in the last 5 days. Colton knows the script by heart, he is going to be sick tomorrow when I have sent it back to blockbuster!
The boys are suppose to ride the bus home today. Cameron wanted to, but David didn't so who knows if they will arrive home or not. I am sick to my stomach worrying about that. I will go to the school and watch them to make sure they get on the bus.
I was viewing my stat counter looking at the keywords and apparently there are a lot of people out there looking for naked pictures of Jenn, and there are a lot of naked Jenn's running around out there. I am not one of them, nor do I plan to be. I like keeping my nakedness off the web honestly because I am sure it would just plain frighten people!
Brittany does not answer my phone so stop calling her here please! I have gotten about 12 calls in the last 3 days for her, and I don't even know a Brittany. I would like to find out where she lives, because I am sure she is all of 16 or 17 from the sound of the teenage male voices asking for her between the hours of 10 and midnight. I would love to be able to pretend to be Brittany and entice these young hot blooded American males to show up at her house at 11 o'clock at night and invade her life like she is invading mine by giving out my phone number as her own!
and those are just a few of the thoughts running around in my head today.
David really wants to go help the people who were effected by the hurricane. He also went to granny's to help after the tornado that hit them. I am thinking of organizing a food drive at the school with him. I think that would be a good lesson for him and he would feel like he really did help. Kids amaze me. They are not self centered like most adults are. I wish we didn't lose the innocence of childhood that really sucks. It would be such a nicer world if everyone thought like children do.
I don't understand the looters. I don't understand why anyone would take advantage of someone else misfortune. It makes me angry that there are people that do these kinds of things. I am at a lose for words over these people.
I have seen Scooby Doo 2 about ten thousand times in the last 5 days. Colton knows the script by heart, he is going to be sick tomorrow when I have sent it back to blockbuster!
The boys are suppose to ride the bus home today. Cameron wanted to, but David didn't so who knows if they will arrive home or not. I am sick to my stomach worrying about that. I will go to the school and watch them to make sure they get on the bus.
I was viewing my stat counter looking at the keywords and apparently there are a lot of people out there looking for naked pictures of Jenn, and there are a lot of naked Jenn's running around out there. I am not one of them, nor do I plan to be. I like keeping my nakedness off the web honestly because I am sure it would just plain frighten people!
Brittany does not answer my phone so stop calling her here please! I have gotten about 12 calls in the last 3 days for her, and I don't even know a Brittany. I would like to find out where she lives, because I am sure she is all of 16 or 17 from the sound of the teenage male voices asking for her between the hours of 10 and midnight. I would love to be able to pretend to be Brittany and entice these young hot blooded American males to show up at her house at 11 o'clock at night and invade her life like she is invading mine by giving out my phone number as her own!
and those are just a few of the thoughts running around in my head today.
Monday, August 29, 2005
I won't cry damn it I won't!
The long days of summer have dwindled down, and the nights are getting colder, prepares us for fall. Fall use to be my favorite time of the year, but anymore it is the saddest time of year. The boys woke up this morning extra early. They showered, and I feed them, dressed them, and they got their backpacks with all their supplies out. They were ready to go back to school, even if mom wasn't ready for them to go. We still had over an hour before school started so they watched a little TV, and then they sat in the van for half and hour waiting. They were so excited, and I want them to be excited, so I encouraged their excitement all the while thinking I just might throw up. It was finally time to go and we all got in the van and off we went. They kissed me and Steve and out of the van they jumped of off they went never looking back! I always get that empty pit in my stomach when they go off to school. I worry about them all day. Do they like their teachers this year. Were all the other kids nice to them. Did they eat their lunch. Was the teacher nice to them. Just hundreds of little questions run through my mind. I have a terrible head ache and I am on the verge of being sick from worrying and they have only been gone an hour! I have 5 and a half hours left until I can go and get them. You would think that these feeling would go away after a few days of school, but they last until that last day when they get out for summer. Colton doesn't have to leave me until next Tuesday, and that helped some. I will just go with him to school on his first day, and he has the same teacher that David and Cam has had for the last 3 years. I know he will be ok, because she love the kids in her class like they were her own children. I am going to run a few errands today and try to keep busy until I can go get my babies!
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