David had an awesome hockey game last night. It was his first mite game, and his first full ice game. They play half ice in the mini mite level here, mostly because we have 4 teams and one sheet of ice. So this was the D mans first full ice game, and they lost, but that isn't what is important. I never really care if the boys win or lose, what I care about is if they play the best game they can, and he did. He scored 2 goals and 2 assists in last nights game. He was working his backwards skating and his passing and he was paying attention to the lines and he didn't go off sides once. He was controling the puck and just over all he skated very well! I was very proud of him and his team as a team they all played very well together.
Colton got his glasses yesterday. He looks cute in them. When I find some batteries for the camera I will get a picture of him. I picked him up from school today and he says to me "Mom I could see everyone today and really know who they are!" It made me feel awful for being such a bad mom and not knowing he was blind!
Cameron is loving hockey. He had big plans of playing soccer this summer and last night he asked me if he could go to hockey camp instead of soccer this summer. If I had 2 more boys I would have a full line and a huge mortage on the house to pay for it all!
The weather has been beautiful today. We were suppose to get snow last night, but it was in the 60's today. It makes it hard to send the boys to school when it is nice. I would much rather keep them home and go do something fun!
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