Saturday, May 07, 2005

In My own mind

Well I seemed to have turned yesterdays post into a poor me post and that isn't really what I meant to do. I sometimes am my own worst critic. I have posted crap for the last few months, and not even fun crap. I wouldn't want to read half the stuff I have put up lately, so I don't expect anyone else to read it either. I seem to have lost my passion. The words just don't seem to flow and mingle together like they use to.

When I first started this it was for me. I wasn't trying to entertain anyone, I wasn't worried that people would judge me heck I didn't think anyone would really read it, much less leave me comments. I think I just got overwhelmed by the fact that people were actually reading it and somewhere I thought I had to say the things that they wanted to read, but I have no clue what they want to read. I have actually been writing in my journal again, all the stuff I should have been writing here, and I read it last night and wondered why I hadn't posted that stuff here. It is all stuff like I use to post funny things the boys do, a little look in to my world, poems, stories, rants about things, it is all the things I am passionate about, all the things this blog started off as. Hopefully I can find that here again.

A special thank you to all the people who commented in my last post I love you guys, and thank you for helping me to see what I really want to do here.

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