Friday, January 12, 2007


I am trying really hard to not call Steve again tonight, because I have called probably 5 times already. When he is gone for work I seldom call him. I like to know that he has arrived at his distination in one piece and is ok. I call him if there has been some exciting event around here to retell or something major has happened. He calls me once a night or every other night depending on how late he has worked. We are good with that we don't have to talk all the time.

Today however he has abducted my oldest child and taken him across the state. This is the very first time I have let D go off somewhere with his dad for more than a few hours at a time. I have tried in the past to let him be in charge of the boys, but it never works. I am their mother and I am suppose to be there. This is the first time I have missed a hockey game much less four with the possibility of a championship game.

I am antsy and I want to know what they are doing every second. I called them while they were driving there like 4 times. "Are you guys ok? How are the roads?" "Oh I just needed to tell you I forgot to pack D's toothbrush." "I was just getting worried about you guys are you getting close?" Then they called me when they got there and I have called them a number of times already... "Don't forget you have to be there 45 minutes before the game." "Oh you need to check and make sure both pair of socks are in his bag." "Hey hon did you grab both stick? He wanted his new stick." The very sad thing is I know the answer to every question before I even make the call. I packed D's stuff he has is home and away socks, jerseys, and both sticks. He has his warm-up and he has his shirt and tie. He has everything he needs with him except me! I am missing it and it drives me crazy, but it is also driving Cam crazy as well. He said to me "mom we never miss David's games!"

I just have to get through 2 days and then he will be home and I will be taking him on his next trip. I hope they do well at this one though. They were all really excited and ready to win! I hope they at least take 2nd place that would be awesome for them.

They won their first game this morning with a shut out. WOOO HOOO I am proud of my boys! The score was 5 to 0!

they just won their 2nd game 5 to 2! Only one more left today!

My boys are awesome! AWESOME I tell you! They just called and they won their last game of the day with another shut out 7-0! Yes I am jumping up and down and cheer right now!

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