Well it seems like I have quit blogging! I don't know why it just seems I never have the time or the energy lately. Maybe it's been that I just have not felt I have anything to blog about until now...
Yes the election. Yesterday all I heard was about how historic it was that we have our first black president. I want to know who the hell this black guy is, because the guy who took office has a mother that is as white as me and a father he never even knew. The man who took office was raised by his white grandmother, so sure it was a historic day we got our first bi-racial president, but we did not get our first black president. I sat yesterday and thought that it is sad when we choose to make a big deal over the color of his skin. I fear for our country right now, because I do not agree with a lot of his policies. I think everyone forgets that if he passes bills that make it possible for everyone to receive medical care that someone is still going to have to pay for it, and the middle class people are the ones who get screwed. We are the ones who will have to pay higher taxes. If you don't know about "free medical" ask our neighbors in Canada. They pay higher taxes, can't pick and choose their doctors, and if they need a specialist it could take 6 or 8 months to get in. I don't know about you but if I had cancer that was caught early and could be cured I don't want to wait 6 or 8 months to see the cancer dr. only for him to tell me "well there isn't much we can do now." I don't want to pay for everyone else either, and if the taxes are not higher then who the hell is going to pay for it? I honestly don't think that our president is going to ask for a it to come out of his wages or the wages of his congress all of whom a tax increase or decrease doesn't affect, because they don't have to pay taxes. If I wanted to live in a socialist country I would move to one. I want to live in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, but honestly we are becoming less free and less brave. I for one am scared to death.